“Forbidden political investigations” • Dark and shocking report “•” Where do we go from here? “▪ A difficult and sad evening at the Haifa City Council – Watch – Haifa

by time news

Investigations and persecution of opponents of the regime, waste of NIS 2 million and payment for work not submitted and heavy injustice to council member Sophie Nakash – the full discussion and report

The city comptroller presented the city council with a very serious audit report on Klish’s conduct in the Bar Lev Lev accounting firm’s employment case. Golan presented the persecution of Sophie Nakash and showed that the legal service of the Haifa Municipality refuted the allegations at the very beginning, although the investigation continued. Nakash is the biggest victim in this story and she paid a heavy price for two years of investigations without any legal basis.
Here we have dismantled the discussion so that you can watch the words of most of the council members.

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Watch the entire discussion:

Here you can review the audit reports:

Summary of the remarks of Ofer Tal, the municipal comptroller: “Disorder, lack of control, in violation of procedures and in violation of proper administration”

  • Report on hours made before the auction period
  • Tariff above permitted by the Accountant General’s Regulations
  • Agreement not limited to the ceiling
  • Execution without work orders
  • Execution without milestones for updates
  • There is no written documentation of most of the issues for which the work was commissioned
  • The contact person for the engagement was the mayor but the treasurer who had to sign the payment was not informed of the execution.
  • Lack of coordination between officials, when one does not know about the investigation concerning the other’s role.
  • No work quota was defined for each and every issue
  • The amount of the contract – NIS 1.5 million
  • Comprehensive words obscured the essence of the work sections and in many cases there was no detail.
  • In some of the reports, code words were recorded: the fish store, the big robbery, a defamation lawsuit, a container store, an information store, a work plan and more…
  • As for some cases, no one knows how to say or is willing to say what lies behind these issues.
  • A wide and varied range of areas, while substantially overlapping with urban officials, in a way that is disproportionate and unjustified.
  • The mayor says some sections of the investigation are unfamiliar to her.
  • The auditor was able to obtain only two audit reports: a procurement report and a college network report.
    The other issues have passed as presentations and some do not exist in the hands of the relevant municipal bodies.
  • No appointments were scheduled for the delivery of the contents to the municipal treasurer and therefore the materials were not provided regarding it.
  • The accountant investigated a conflict of interest of Sophie Nakash, a member of the city council. He continued the investigation even though the legal advice in the Haifa municipality checked, found and explained that the issue had been investigated and there is no such suspicion.
  • Gatekeepers: The Gatekeepers Association (headed by Adv. Lior Datz) turned to the Attorney General, claiming that Klish is conducting an investigation against them in violation of the law.
  • Regarding the work of the accountant to increase revenue, no benefits were provided by the municipal managers in charge of those sections.
  • Recommendations:
    • Delay payments until the products are displayed
    • Reimbursement requirement for issues that have been paid and for which no products have been presented.

Yossi Shalom, Chairman of the Audit Committee:

Summary of Yossi Shalom’s remarks:

  • This is the most serious affair in the history of the city of Haifa
  • The mayor operates as a criminal organization and conducts covert investigations against municipal employees and council members.
  • Klish prefers to stay home.
  • It polluted the city of Haifa.
  • She runs the municipality as a star in a crime series.
  • Klish is frightened, scared and insecure.
  • No wonder she does not have time to engage in shading playgrounds, solutions for families, cleaning the city and more.
  • You heard the comptroller, not the members of the Change Council.
  • The mayor did not even appear before the audit committee. She also did not come to the hearing. She puts a stripe on all of us and the residents of the city.
  • The supposedly submitted presentations simply disappeared. Where are the other ingredients. What hides a cliché? Remember her statements about cleaning the stables?
    What cleanliness and what stables. The main contamination is in the mayor’s office.
  • The Change Council is the one that cleans Klish’s stables and what does the mayor do in response? Sews a file for the council member (Sophie Nakash).
  • Klish’s lies did not receive backing from the City Comptroller or the Legal Department.
  • I’m calling you, Klish, resign. Go home. You have no authority to continue to defile the municipality here.
  • As Chairman of the Audit Committee, I demand that within 24 hours all transcripts of the Audit Committee be sent to the members of the City Council.

Adv. Sarit Golan, Deputy Chair of the Committee, presents the conclusions of the Audit Committee and reviews the chain of events:

Summary of Sarit Golan’s remarks:

  • In criminal law, which I deal with, it is common to say that silence is like consent. Klish did not respond to comments and did not even appear before the committee.
  • It never occurred to me that I would find such serious findings in the committee’s deliberations.
  • Last year I got a call from a terminal, who told me they were sewing a bag. Then her fate is tied to my fate.
  • Today we are talking about “Clichgate”.
  • The researcher’s main operator is Klish. In the presentation I show that the person who approved the consultant’s invoices is a cliché.
  • The concern is that there will be follow-up of employees and other council members
  • The suspicion is of using public funds for illicit political investigations
  • The counsel claimed that he initiated complaints to the police following his investigations, but do not know about what and not in his authority nor did the attorney general know about it.
  • The mayor preaches blasphemy at the gate.
  • The mayor is not the victim and she is not the gatekeeper and the victim’s stable cleaner is Sophie Nakash.
  • The gatekeepers filed a lawsuit against the city because it was convicted of crimes and it turns out that this is what is done to anyone who dares to speak out against Dr. Klish.
  • Fear of improper use of public funds for the purpose of investigations against political rivals in Haifa, the Movement for the Quality of Government wrote
  • The mayor claims that the criticism of the procurement has driven significant processes, but that no professional recognizes this and does not know about this criticism.
  • The former treasurer told the committee that the hundreds of millions mined by the councilor did not get Beatty in the town hall and the former treasurer’s words in the committee and he was forced to sign invoices under pressure from the mayor and the bureau.
  • This report must not be passed over in silence

Watch the words of Moti Blitzblau, Member of the Audit Committee, and Member of the City Council of the Green Faction:

Summary of Moti Blitzblau’s remarks:

“There is a fear of the most serious offenses on the part of the mayor – hiring a personal investigator without control and using secret codes. The mayor did not come, again, to discuss the issue, it is a pattern – whenever there is a difficult discussion, the mayor is absent Cliff – try to shut us up, council members, with legal pretexts. Enough of all this, meanwhile our city is in trauma – no sanitation, no road stratification, no culture. We deserve more than that, another year and 4 months, the Greens will replace the This government is in proper administration and will return Haifa to the residents. “

Watch Kirill Kartnik’s remarks:

Abstract of Kirill Kartnik’s remarks:

“Klish’s methods remind me of Putin’s methods against Alexander Navalny, who was thrown in jail for opposition to the regime. The city administration systematically conceals documents from city council members representing a large public, I personally contacted Mayor Einat Klish several times to obtain a number of important documents including a Barlev report and received no response even though the law states that a city council member must receive any document belonging to the municipality “Haifa within 3 days under section 140A of the City Ordinance. Therefore, I make a clear conclusion that the city administration, like all gangs in Hadar and elsewhere, has something to hide, and a report by City Comptroller Ofer Tal justified all my concerns.”

More articles in Haifa – Haifa News:

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Kartnik added: “Today I am studying for a master’s degree in political science and public administration at the University of Haifa, and in this case I think a course should be taught. The course is given the title: Work, without reports of working hours, in a distorted engagement process, contrary to all the laws and guidelines of the Ministry of the Interior, without an orderly work report, in short just as gangs conduct in Hadar in Haifa.

With NIS 2 million we could build more services on the promenade, build new fitness facilities in the city, approve shadows for all the children’s playgrounds in the city, do a big festival that will attract tourists from other cities or fight crime and increase security in the city…
“My opinion is simple: Klish must return all the money to the public purse, stop these political persecutions, and finally start dealing mainly with what she does, so far the city is only losing its management and it reminds me more of a city where I grew up in Ukraine and not Barcelona.”

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Watch the words of City Council member Dr. Or Barak:

Quote from the words of Dr. Or Barak:

“We all held the chairs so as not to fall. I get messages that it’s really shocking. I think and expect and demand from all the top officials of the municipality to come out with an official apology to City Councilwoman Sophie Nakash.”

Watch the words of City Council member Hedva Almog:

Summary of Hedva Almog’s remarks:

“I have read the audit report in question more than once. I have been in the public system for enough years and I have never encountered a public figure in the Haifa municipality who behaves in such a low, non-standard, illegal and inappropriate administrative way. When everything is kosher in order to overthrow council members in general and a city council member as an individual, and all at the expense of public money.

Read the report and do not believe. The audit report is an indictment for misconduct, how a whole system from the mayor and down, when the mayor personally leads the issue, certainly with her assistants, in order to ostensibly clean the stables, a sentence that has become pathetic In light of her actions. One has to read and not believe how an entire system bends to the mayor, signing more and more financial instructions without receiving directly the materials collected by the Bar Lev CPA firm. The bill is close to NIS 2 million if you combine their “work” in the economic company and the municipality.

From the first moment, I knew that my social friend was one of the victims of the mayor’s conduct and those around her. The mayor is supposed to be the one leading, is supposed to be the leader that when they come to her with malicious ideas she had to throw them out of the room. The mayor must apologize to Sophie today

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This day is a sad and difficult day that has horizontal implications beyond the point event. An injustice and persecution of a public representative has been committed here. I read a lot of the auditor’s report and I think I did not see so many comments. The committee noted that they say things very seriously, professional work has been done here. It will not stop here, I hope in a year we will say goodbye that we got rid of it.

I have always accompanied and seen a lot of mayors, but I did not think that such a shameful thing would happen when I was a member of a city council member. “

Watch the words of Jacob Feingold:

Summary of the remarks of Jacob Feingold:

where are we going? What do you do the day after? Are you going to apologize to Sufi? Nachshon needs to answer us. This city is in chaos. To Nachshon: “Show us what you are going to do until the election. Do you want to quarrel with everyone? I ask you to show the council members what will happen tomorrow morning. I ask the attorney general to do the work and help us, help the city, and at the end of this story, do not forget Sophie Nakash “She’s the big victim here. I’m not ashamed to say I was wrong. This is the only big thing you will have in this term. I heard that Yamit also wants to run away.”

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Eli Landau – The Retirement Faction:

Summary of Eli Landau’s remarks:

This is a sad evening, to hear such a report… I am in my fourth term and there has never been such a dark and serious report. I’m really shocked that they’re trying to discredit a council member who does her job faithfully. I know all the friends give full backing to Sophie – you are doing a great job and we are all behind you. And Sarit did a professional job. A sad evening of harsh and poignant criticism.

Watch Tavor Lahat’s words:

Summary of Tavor Lahat’s remarks:

“About three or four weeks ago, we were informed that the mayor of Kfar Saba is appealing his conviction for money he transferred, hoping that it will not end like in Kfar Saba, and proposing that the mayor lay down the keys.”

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Watch the words of Raja Za’atara:

Summary of the words of Raja Zaatara:

A difficult evening, things speak for themselves, serious things for which silence is not good. A lot of things are left in the fog and need to be answered. Answers should be given because it is public money, two million shekels can be used in 6-7 medium-sized and amazing experiences. Ease of spending public money on anything
Council members do volunteer work and require many hours of work and investment.
Attempt to bend the system and gatekeepers and threaten workers. These are serious things. Finally I know that in the last two years you have suffered. And to the people of the municipality: Do not bend, you are servants of the public, including the mayor. Public money is intended for the public and not for such and other political motives.

Watch Sophie Nakash’s remarks:

Quote from Sophie Nakash:

“My family paid a heavy price for my volunteering. 60 pages of new depression The mayor brings norms from the world of crime. Taking public money and norms of delinquency and dark regimes.”

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