Arbel exposed in the plenum corruption in the RAAM party

by time news
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In a stormy speech in the Knesset plenum today (Wednesday), the Knesset member claimed corruption in the RAAM party.

“Arab Israeli citizens will see who makes money on you,” Arbel began in the plenum, claiming: “In October 2021, the Ministry of Communications issued a tender to extend the license to deploy an advanced network and to receive financial grants to encourage the deployment of advanced fixed networks.

“And look at this miracle: About a month and a half before the tender is published, while the professionals are working to prepare it, the CEO of the RAAM party and the chairman of the Islamic Movement and other senior officials set up a company with full financial ownership, and they are suddenly the ones who win the tender and make millions.” .

At this point, Mansour Abbas, the chairman of Ra’am who chaired the meeting, arrested the Shas MK and said that he was lying. “Moshe, you are lying. There was no tender.

Arbel continued: “Extremely serious. Today I appealed for them to open a criminal investigation against RAAM and its CEOs and friends, who received inside information and used it to get personally enriched – something that is disgusting.”

After Arbel descended from the podium, Abbas angrily muttered: “Shame on you, Moshe. You are a religious person, rising and lying over the Knesset podium.”

Arbel replied, “Answer it with a blade, in interrogations.”

Watch the video.

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