Men’s hairy calves and talk about nice weather

by time news

VHere are short laments about the summer:

Those ridiculous napkins

Anke Schipp

Editor in the “Life” department of the Frankfurter Allgemeine Sunday newspaper.

Eva sleeper

Editor in the “Life” department of the Frankfurter Allgemeine Sunday newspaper.

Jörg Thomann

Editor in the “Life” section of the Frankfurter Allgemeine Sunday newspaper.

A big plus in the warm season is the incomparable enjoyment of ice cream, preferably from Italian production. As early as May, if there is at least a little bit of sun in the sky, I can only walk past an ice cream parlor without buying a scoop or two, of course in a cone, with the greatest self-control. By the way, I’m the chocolate, stracciatella, hazelnut type.

Nevertheless, every time I stop at the ice cream counter, I am struck by a not so small irritation. Have you already thought about what the typical napkins there are all about? Do you even share my anger at this very thin, very artificial and rough-feeling something? The term serviette – derived from the Latin servus, German servant – is a joke! These napkins are the opposite of serving. They prevent cleaning sticky hands or mouths. Anyone who can report otherwise should please get in touch. I even claim that they favor spills on T-shirts or the backs of shoes. Quite apart from what an abrupt cessation of sensual perception it is when lips that have just tasted delicious particles of ice cream brimming with fat and sugar are the next moment sandpapered.

Clever people around me say: it’s for hygiene reasons that the ice cream vendor wraps the cone in a thin layer of cellulose. Yes, okay. But it would also be possible to use a napkin worthy of the name as protection. And it would be even more possible to deposit real paper serviettes on the counter, right next to the ice cream cone holder (did you know that term?). But there too, far and wide only the donors with the small, despicable cellulose papers. Eva sleeper

Hairy man calves

Summer is the time when I no longer understand myself. I think legs are beautiful, including men’s. But there is one thing I can’t stand: men in shorts. Only one thing is worse: when I have to see myself in shorts, in the mirror for example.

Men's calves, clearly visible in summer.

Men’s calves, clearly visible in summer.

Bild: Mauritius

The latter can be avoided, I have the power over it. I cannot dictate to all other male beings that they should please cover their legs – away from the swimming pool, bathing lake, soccer field and their own four walls. It would be necessary.

My opinion is not new and exciting, that’s true. Countless times shorts have been flagellated on men. Sometimes wrongly, there is little to be said against permissiveness, apart from perhaps shame and a pinch of prudery. Much more often, however, this happens quite rightly: shorts make grown men look like children. Sweaty, hairy lower legs are unappetizing. Above all, however, they lack any kind of elegance. And no season calls for it as much as this one.

Mild summer evenings, temperatures like in the most beautiful Italy, sitting outside and drinking wine – optionally also the non-alcoholic alternative. this is summer That’s elegant. And a pair of shorts rips this image apart in a split second. Then you can also wear lederhosen to the aperitivo, it would have the same effect. Whereby? The leather pants would still be fun, the shorts are not.

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