NATO Summit in Madrid

by time news

China stated on Thursday that strongly opposes new NATO Strategic Conceptwhich he considers “full of ideological bias and assessments typical of the Cold War”and denounced that it “maliciously attacks and smears China”.

“Thirty years later, NATO still continues with his tactic of creating enemies and of fomenting the confrontation of blocs. This new Strategic Concept maliciously attacks and smears China. We will give firm and determined responses to any act that undermines our interests,” the spokesman for the Chinese Mission to the European Union said in a statement.

The new Strategic Concept of the Alliance approved on Wednesday in Madrid warns that China “it challenges our interests, security and values.”

According to the spokesman, NATO is “a remnant of the Cold War” that, “thirty years later, it has still not abandoned its way of thinking or its tactics of creating enemies or confronting blocs. Its new Strategic Concept affirms that other countries pose challenges, but it is the Alliance that is creating problems throughout the world. world”.

“Wars Against Sovereign States”

“NATO bills itself as a defensive organization advocating the rules-based international order, but it has overlooked the UN Security Council and has waged wars against sovereign states,” he said.

The spokesman points out that the Alliance had stated that its defense zone would not go beyond the North Atlantic but that “in recent years it has shown its strength in the Asia-Pacific region, trying to provoke a confrontation between blocs as it has done in Europe”.

“Who is challenging global security and undermining world peace? Is there any war or conflict in these years in which NATO has not been involved? “adds the spokesman.

In the eyes of Beijing, China follows an “independent, peaceful” foreign policy and is “a contributor to global development and a defender of the international order.”

“We do not interfere in the affairs of others”

“China has never started a war or invaded other countries. We do not interfere in the internal affairs of otherand neither do we export ideology or impose unilateral sanctions,” says the spokesman.

In addition, the official urges NATO to stop “provoking confrontations by drawing ideological lines”, to “abandon the Cold War mentality” and to stop “denigrating” China.

“Since NATO positions China as a ‘systemic challenge‘, we must pay close attention and respond in a coordinated manner. We will give strong and firm responses to any act that undermines China’s interests,” the spokesman said.

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