Precautionary policy on high-voltage lines – GGD Hollands Midden

by time news

The precautionary policy has been in effect in the Netherlands since 2005. This means that the central government does not want new high-voltage lines to be built close to homes, schools and nurseries.
Conversely, it is not the intention to build new homes, schools and nurseries near high-voltage lines. Municipalities and provinces may deviate from the precautionary policy, but they must then explain why they are doing so.

According to the Health Council, new scientific research provides an extra argument for precautionary policy regarding high-voltage lines. There is some evidence that leukemia is more common in adults who live near power lines. The magnetic fields around power lines are a possible explanation, but this has not yet been proven.

There is no new advice. The advice to keep a distance was already there. There are only now indications that there is also an increased risk for adults.

Read the news item from the Health Council here.

The medical environmental science team of the GGD Hollands Midden advises municipalities on a healthy living environment. The GGD also adheres to the precautionary policy, but also includes underground cables, transformer houses and district distribution stations.

Are you concerned about electromagnetic fields in or around your home? You will find information and advice about what you can do yourself on the GGD Living Environment website. You will also find answers to frequently asked questions, such as: how do I find out whether my house is located within the magnetic field zone of a high-voltage line?

More information can also be found on the knowledge platform electromagnetic fields: adulten/.

If you have any questions, you can call the environmental health team: 088-308 3381. You can also email: [email protected].

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