Drill, barbecue, guitar… Monoprix lends you objects, it’s economical and good for the environment

by time news

Have you planned a DIY session this weekend but you don’t have a drill? You can of course knock on your neighbor’s door. Or you can go to the Monop’ on rue de Marseille in Paris (10th) or the Monoprix in Marcq-en-Barœul in the North. These two stores offer a free loan service. Drill, beer dispenser, disco ball, barbecue, raclette grill, cargo bike… around fifteen machines or accessories are available. All you have to do is reserve them at the reception of the store, crossing your fingers so that these objects are free on the desired dates. Some of them are also on display at the entrance. A photocopy of your identity card and an imprint of your bank card allow you to leave with the coveted object.

No need to have the store card

“Why bother with a device that you will only use once a year? Or shell out money for an item that never comes out of the closet? We launched this program to meet the specific needs of our customers. It’s more respectful of the environment and of course much more economical,” smiles Maguelone Paré, transformation and innovation director at Monoprix.

The service was christened with a lot of humor “My name is come back”. “Items can be lent for 48 hours. But they must be returned to us afterwards, ”recalls Maguelone Paré. Officially, the device is reserved for Monoprix customers. But no need, at least for now, to have the store card. In a few months, it will also be possible to book online, via an application: “It will be easier to know the availability of products. And for us, it will allow us to record a credit card imprint if necessary,” she continues.

Some items that Monoprix lends are on display at the entrance to the store. LP/Olivier Arandel

Currently in the test phase in these two stores, the service should be deployed more widely from the start of the school year. “It doesn’t bring in any money for the brand, but it allows us to be of service, to make our customers’ daily lives easier. This is part of neighborhood life, decrypts Maguelone Paré. Of course, we also hope that this can generate more traffic in the store. »

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