Biden’s ultra-Orthodox adviser: “We are definitely concerned”

by time news

US Deputy National Security Adviser on Cyber ​​Affairs, a graduate of Beit Yaakov in the US, spoke in an interview with the Israeli media about the worsening Iranian threat, the Chinese’s desire to steal technological knowledge from the US and fears that Russia would interfere in the election again. Russia’s method of operation for several years “

U.S. President Haredi Adviser Joe Biden, Hannah (Ann) Neuberger, U.S. National Security Adviser on Cyber ​​Affairs, Beit Yaakov graduate, Baltimore resident, speaks in Israeli media interview about the escalating Iranian threat, Chinese desire to steal Technological knowledge from the United States – and the fear that Russia will interfere in the elections again.

Hannah Neuberger tells Amichai Stein in Here News: “With all the worries I sleep well at night, I’m part of an amazing group, but on the other hand when I wake up I check what happened throughout the night.” Regarding the Iranian cyber threat, she says, “Certainly, Iran, other countries, even criminals, are all improving their capabilities in cyberspace. In the context of Israeli – US relations. “

She added, “The Americans believe that normalizing Israel’s relations with the region, again based on the ties that have been secretly forged over time in several sectors, is the way to increase stability in the region, and it is the best way to deal with threats.”

As for China, Neuberger tells Here News, “China is focusing on the technological base of the United States, in an attempt to steal intellectual property, in order to advance their economy and their military development.” Regarding the Israeli concern about China, she said, “Countries with an advanced technological base, which are leaders in development and innovation research like Israel, are certainly considered targets for China, as part of its effort to lead in all kinds of technological fields.”

Regarding the threat from Russia due to its support for Ukraine, says Hannah Neuberger, “Russia has always used cyber to achieve its geopolitical latitude goals, whether it is what they did in Ukraine in 2014-2015, or whether it is supporting its wider aggressive invasion of Ukraine earlier this year “We are certainly concerned about the threats posed by Russia, in response to the unprecedented sanctions we are imposing on it.”

Regarding the Russians’ attempt to intervene in the US elections, she says “it is clear that the attempts to influence elections have been part of Russia’s course of action for several years, this is something we are preparing for, we have a government approach aimed at ensuring our credibility and we have great confidence in our credibility. “.

Hannah Neuberger comes from an unexpected background, her grandparents are Holocaust survivors, and she comes from a family of Satmar followers, who speaks English, Yiddish, Hebrew. Neuberger, from Baltimore, a graduate of Beit Yaakov School, with more than a decade of experience with the NSA National Security Agency, was appointed head of the agency’s cyber security directorate in 2019. Neuberger is widely regarded throughout the cyber security community, and legal expert Ben Waits shared Previously working with Neuberger on legal and intelligence issues, he called her “unusually talented.”

Neuberger’s parents were among the hostages rescued from Entebbe airport in 1976. She said her family’s escapes – first from the Holocaust and then in Uganda – helped shape her worldview. Her parents are not Israelis, but in an interview she gave several years ago, she said that the Palestinians who hijacked the Air France flight knew that her father was Jewish because he wore a kippah, so they decided to leave them with the other Israelis as well.

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