Tour de France: we rode the route of the first stage in Copenhagen

by time news

It’s a magnificent time trial in the heart of Copenhagen that the riders will take this Friday for the first stage of the Tour de France 2022. A few weeks before the start, we did the course by bike. So early the first hectometres crossed, the runners arrive on the bridge of Queen Louise, very frequented in the morning by the inhabitants of the city. Moreover, a counter gives the number of cyclists who cross it every day. Generally, it is around… 18,000.

A long straight line then takes the race past the medical university and its huge tower offering an incomparable view of the city. Another right turn to cross the canal again, then turn left, towards a huge park. In the middle, impossible to miss, except for the runners concentrating on their effort, the Parken Stadium, the stadium where FC Copenhagen and especially the Danish national football team play. With its 35,000 seats, it is the largest enclosure in the city.

On their right, runners and viewers can contemplate several dozen yellow houses, all lined up. Originally, they were dwellings for sailors. Since then they have become opulent and expensive residences, reserved for the elite of the inhabitants of Copenhagen.

“It will take power and aerodynamics”

After 9 km, the highlight of the time trial presents itself. A right turn and 500m of very slight uphill will take the runners past Copenhagen’s famous Little Mermaid, which they will leave on their left before passing the Gefion Fountain and its famous bulls.

The route then leaves the seaside and turns to the right to go to the Royal Palace. He enters the huge paved courtyard with a 200 m bend to the right. A final effort, two bends not too tight and Boulevard Andersen offers itself for a final difficulty. “It’s a completely flat urban course with large avenues, explains Thierry Gouvenou, the technical director of the event. It will take power and aerodynamics. »

Technically it is not complicated. “We only report this small technical passage over 500m before the little siren, continues Gouvenou, but which should not create any repercussions in the general classification. Although I think some climbers can lose a little time, maybe even more than a minute, on the best ones. »

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