Eric Coquerel confronted with rumors questioning his behavior towards women, the committee against sexist violence of LFI comes to his defense

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Ecologist Julien Bayou deplores “the complete vagueness” of the government

Julien Bayou, co-president of the environmental group in the Assembly and national secretary of Europe Ecologie-Les Verts, was the guest of the program “The 4 Truths” this morning on France 2. “The issue is which government? We do not really know. Emmanuel Macron was re-elected, of course, but for three months, we have been waiting in the end”he began by saying, referring to the week of consultations between Elisabeth Borne and the presidents of the different groups making up the new National Assembly. “This government waits and dithers. We make appointments, coffees, it’s republican, courteous and polite and we answer it, the question is: “what will the Prime Minister say during her general policy statement”, today it’s the complete blur »still lamented the ecologist. “Are they going to retire at 65 or not? Do they want to raise wages or not? Do they really want to act on thermal renovation? »he wondered.

What does he expect from the next new minister for the ecological transition who will take over from Amélie de Montchalin, beaten in the legislative elections? “We are not really going to regret Amélie de Montchalin, she did nothing”snapped Mr. Bayou. “It’s striking! Emmanuel Macron and this government, in the very home stretch of the presidential election, said “I don’t have time to debate, I want to reform until the last quarter of an hour”, but since his re-election at the end of April, nothing happens “, he said again. According to him, Mr. Macron “had said:” my five-year term will be green or it will not be”, we have the impression that for the moment, there is no five-year term “then declared Julien Bayou, considering that “France is not there” in the face of climate change.

The ecologist also advocated “the duty to set an example for ministers”after being questioned about the case of Damien Abad, Minister of Solidarity, targeted by a rape complaint filed by a woman, the third to accuse him of sexual assault. “There was a time when there was case law that said that if a minister was implicated, he had to resign, not out of infamy, but in order to be able to defend himself in court and possibly be cleared and that there doesn’t feel like the government can protect him.”he argued, before also questioning the Keeper of the Seals, Eric Dupond-Moretti. “The Minister of Justice is under investigation and it is he who has control over justice, how can one imagine that his colleague who is [au ministère de] the interior works [avec lui]it sends the signal that there could be justice for the powerful and justice for the others”said the environmentalist.

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