Patent 2022: here is the corrected history-geography and moral and civic education

by time news

After mathematics and French, this Friday marks the last day of the written patent exams. The college students worked on the subjects of history – geography and moral and civic education, which had to be replaced because of a leak on social networks on Thursday… Here are the corrected for the test. This afternoon, place for science (from 1:30 p.m. to 2:30 p.m.).

Our corrector teacher found the subject very difficult overall: “ A subject of classic invoice, but ultimately a little complex to implement, he believes. The documents are clear and easy to use in geography and the paragraph in history makes it possible to solicit the knowledge of two lessons of the program. Candidates should, however, manage their time well, as they must write a paragraph in all three subjects. As for the historical mapping exercise, it is unclear. It is not known whether the expected date for the end of the war is the surrender of Germany or that of Japan. The frieze, ridiculously small, prevents, except to elaborate a legend, to complete it in a readable way”.

Date: Friday, July 1, 2022 from 9 a.m. to 11 a.m.

Patent: General Series – see here the answers for the pro series

Notation : 50 points

Duration of the test: 2 hours

Patent 2022/Corrected/Geography

Document 1

1. The objective of the Cohesion Policy of the European Union is to reduce the development gaps between the different regions of the EU.

2. The two scales mentioned are the national scale (the States between them) and the regional scale between regions of different member countries.

Document 2

3. Among the elements that promote flows between France and Spain are the “open border” allowing the free movement of people and the European/secondary axes of communication. 4. Among the facilities/equipment: an international bilingual school, the first European cross-border hospital.

A drafting exercise which must be based as the statement on documents 1 and 2 suggests. and cooperation. The simplest to implement is undoubtedly to successively evoke exchanges and then cooperation by varying the scales.

For exchanges, we rely on the flow of people facilitated by the absence of borders. No doubt some will mention Schengen.

National (LGV)

Local: cross-border.

for cooperation

National scale on what is done in the academic field (Erasmus) or security (Europol)

School and medical at the local level: bilingual school, cross-border hospital For interregional cooperation, it is difficult to exploit the documents because there is no specific example.

Perhaps middle school students from border regions other than that of the document will be able to use the examples studied during the year, but the title of the subject and the reference to Documents 1 and 2 will encourage candidates to limit themselves to the examples developed in the subject.

Patent 2022/Corrected/History

1. Constructed development.

The heading gives the construction of the paragraph each characteristic to be supported by an example. The subject is limited chronologically The term “Nazi” not being mentioned, it is absolutely necessary in the introduction to recall the accession to power of the Nazis and their leader Adolf Hitler in January 1933.

It will be necessary to develop 4 characteristics:

A totalitarian regime: a single leader, Hitler, glorified by a cult. Only one authorized party, the Nazi Party. Systematic elimination of opponents. A controlled and terrorized population.

A pan-German regime geared towards war: evoke living space and the policy of conquest and expansion: annexation of the Sudetenland for example or Anschluss or more broadly the occupation of a large part of Europe by the Germans.

A racist regime: remember that Nazi ideology affirms the existence of human races and that some, superior ones, are called upon to govern when others are considered inferior, threatening an alleged “purity” of German blood. Evoke the Nuremberg Laws which sought to preserve the “purity of German blood” by prohibiting mixed marriages (Jewish/non-Jewish Germans)

An anti-Semitic regime: the Jewish community of Germany and then of all of Europe occupied by the Nazis was persecuted and exterminated. Quote Kristallnacht in November 1938 prelude to the Holocaust by different means (concentration camp system including 6 extermination camps, ghettos, einsatzgruppen).

Finally, the exercise can be long if all the characteristics are mentioned. The examples should not be developed, just name/date them, at the risk of greatly exceeding the allotted length.

2. Understand and practice another language; use markers

Appendix History Topic Patent 2022

Patent 2022/Corrected/EMC

Document 1

The professor invokes: to develop a critical mind in front of any information and to understand that one must also verify information before disseminating/relaying it on social networks. It is the obligation for the person receiving the information to verify the reliability of the source (institutions, official media of democratic regimes) and to know the entirety of the event to which this information refers (place, people involved, unfolding of the facts, etc.) to avoid misinterpreting it.

Document 2

This article refers to freedom. According to the Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen, only the law can limit this freedom.

Documents 1 et 2

Again this year, students are asked to write a personal text in Civic Education. It is necessary to respect the instructions that guide the written production. The text is intended to be intended for all those who may be required to disseminate information via this medium.

It is therefore imperative to mention the reliability of the source and the investigative work that will precede any dissemination of information/respect the integrity of individuals (children and adults) and their reputation: do not publish anything without their consent, do not reached, do not distribute images without having checked their right to the image / use a vocabulary in adequacy with the place, that of a school establishment.

See also:

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