Signs that may indicate an addiction

by time news

As an assistant you see many people passing by every day. You will undoubtedly have built up a good dose of human knowledge by now, which you then use consciously and unconsciously in your work.

Just think about that person who calls where you feel they mean business. But also that notorious complainer where the urgency is slightly less high.

In short, you can race on your gut feeling. But there are also signals that you simply miss. We give some tips that can indicate an addiction!


It sounds harmless, but people who are considerably overweight have a real food addiction more often than once. They often deny this and cite causes such as a slow metabolism or diseases, but in 99% of the cases there is an underlying problem. If you suspect that this is the case with a patient, make it a topic for discussion in an accessible manner. Without a reproachful tone or voice.

The reverse is also possible, although it is more a matter of being addicted to not eating. A different result, but also very addictive for the patient. So always pay attention to very striking body types.

Drink too much

Everyone drinks too much from time to time, but when this becomes structural, it can have major consequences. When someone reports to you and has specific complaints about the bowel movements, stomach and/or liver, it is good to be alert. Also a strong smelling breath, very red face and red eyes can indicate too much alcohol use.

People often do not realize that they have an alcohol addiction when they report these kinds of complaints. The calculation of standard quantities sometimes opens her eyes. Then offer help for alcoholism quickly, before it is too late.


Now that online gambling is allowed in the Netherlands, we see addictions in this area increasing rapidly. The signs for this are very subtle, but serious. Often it starts with neglecting personal hygiene and confused behavior.

We also see enlarged eyes and financial problems, although these are also present in other addictions. Matters such as tension and palpitations also fit completely within the picture.


Perhaps the most intense addiction is that of drugs. The problem with this is that it differs per species which external characteristics and signals are observable. It is therefore advisable to consult with the doctor at your practice in the event of such suspicions, who will undoubtedly have an idea of ​​the external signs of the different drug types.

In short, recognizing an addiction is not an exact science, but there are signs you can pick up. Don’t be too reserved, because often it is better to nip an addiction in the bud than to let it grow.


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