Crisis in the hospital: pay for guards, telemedicine … Elisabeth Borne’s “immediate solutions” for the summer

by time news

Emmanuel Macron had launched a “flash mission” by entrusting the boss of Samu-Urgences de France, François Braun, with a report on the emergency services crisis in early June, the main lines of which we unveiled on Thursday. This Friday, visiting the Pontoise hospital (Val-d’Oise), the Prime Minister came to announce “the concrete and immediate solutions adopted by the government for the summer period”. Between the return of the Covid, the lack of staff and structural problems, Elisabeth Borne was called upon to act quickly to manage the crisis this summer. She said that the government retained “all the proposals” of the mission, which recommends 41 measures to unclog the establishments.

“Not systematically coming to the emergency room”

This plan is broken down into “three axes”, details the head of government before listing: “improve the orientation and information of patients, have the reflex of 15 and not systematically come to the emergency room (…) the second axis, mobilize all health professionals, encourage doctors (liberals) to welcome – with an increase – people in unscheduled care and not in their patient base; allow on-call medical homes to be open on Saturday mornings; facilitate the procedures for retired doctors, so that they can mobilize more easily and promote telemedicine (…) Third axis, to experiment in the hospital with additional remuneration – a doubling of the increase – of the nursing staff for the guards “.

These “solutions”, this “toolbox”, will be “declined territory by territory, the ARS in connection with the prefects”, further specifies Élisabeth Borne.

In the morning, the French Hospital Federation (FHF) announced that public hospitals were waiting for a budget extension of 2 billion euros this year to compensate for inflation and the rise in the index point for civil servants, and still hope 4 to 5 billion more in 2023.

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