The waltz of negotiations for the new government has begun in Berlin

by time news – After 16 years of Merkelian stability, the vote for the renewal of the Bundestag had no net winners ma only one loser, the CDU-CSU of the outgoing chancellor, handing German politics to a phase of great uncertainty, precisely in a country that considers instability the worst of all evils.

According to the provisional results of the German electoral commission, l’Spd got the 25,7% of votes and the conservative bloc Cdu / Csu is second with the 24,1% of consents, the lowest result ever. Follow the gave with the 14,8%, a result in clear growth compared to that of 2017 even if lower than the hopes of a few months ago, followed by the liberals of Fdp With the’11,5% while the populist formation of the far right, despite being the first party in two laender in the East, on a national level stops at 10.3% and the Link, al 4.9%, however, manages to enter the Bundestag thanks to a rule that favors victory in various single-member constituencies.

A fare da “king maker”, an expression widely used in the German press this morning, they will be the third and fourth parties in terms of votes obtained, namely the Greens and the Fdp liberals. Most of the hypothetical combinations envisaged for the ruling coalition see them both as protagonists, despite the clear differences in the program. Just these two formations were the first, shortly after the closing of the polls, to launch the great maneuvers in view of the negotiations for the formation of the new German government.

In front of millions of spectators during the debate between the parties’ ‘Spitzenkandidaten’ aired on the Zdf broadcaster, the so-called Elefantenrunde, the leader of the liberals Christian Lindner, he was the first to throw the stone into the pond, underlining how much it is “It is desirable that the parties that had fought against the status quo first speak together”. The reference to the Greens is clear, and the answer by Annalena Baerbock, is consistent: “It is more than sensible that even distant parties talk to each other in different constellations”, he affirms with a broad smile, adding that “it is not a question of identifying the lowest common denominator, but of laying the foundations for building the future”.

Even the co-leader of the Greens, Robert Habeck subsequently confirmed that, given the difficulty of the negotiations to set up a three-party coalition, “It will help if they talk together, perhaps even distant policies, to see if it is possible to build bridges and find common projects”.

For the first time, the parties that will form the governing coalition will be more than two: this risks lengthening and complicating the negotiations, that they could last for months. To get to compile the 175-page program on the basis of which he ruled the last “big coalition” led by Angela Merkel, in 2017 it took over 5 months: from the elections of 24 September, a government was reached only in the middle of the following March.

Scholz said last night he wanted to get to a government “before Christmas”; in any case Angela Merkel she will not be able to leave her post as chancellor anytime soon, e could so break Helmut Kohl’s record. It will happen if the new German executive is not ready before December 17th.


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