The anointing | The duty

by time news

Did you want a different social geography? A new political horizon? You had decided to look into the distance rather than the end of your feet? But what an idea!

You wanted the agony of nature to end rather than seeing the smoke nationalized? Come on!

Did you think that the word homeland should not be replaced by that of economy? Reckon it’s always more complicated than you might think.

The sacred order of knowledge and progress called you? It’s beautiful, the big words.

All the same, you never thought that some citizens could practically be accused of the crime of being born? Others have thought about it for you.

What do all your considerations matter in the end? Over $ 600 million soaring for an election, and you end up with the Liberal Party again. It’s white cap, white cap. Sing and dance now. Like before. With one consideration: the majority of the popular vote went to the Conservatives. If a voting system more representative of everyone’s opinions had been in place, the House in Ottawa would indeed have a conservative majority. Even Maxime Bernier’s radical right inspires twice as many Canadians as the Green Party …

In this sense, whatever we may have said a little quickly, the very conservative François Legault did not entirely lose his elections. He even finds himself, for the future, in happy company, in community of spirit, so to speak, with so many of these fine spirits. The emerging future smells a little scorched.

The fact remains that beyond the ode to the ambient conservatism that we hear sung louder and louder from coast to coast, it is the non-voters party that appears to be the big winner of the last Canadian elections. . Of the registered voters, 37% did not vote. How seriously to blame them?

The voting system, proportional or not, now allows whoever is elected to feel little obligated towards the population. In truth, the mandates of elected officials appear to be very weak. The voters are not mistaken. So people don’t seem to care what candidates who are often as insignificant as themselves represent them, with no apparent benefit to anyone.

François Legault, elected by a meager fraction of the population, was he not quick to say that, no matter who controls the purse strings in Ottawa, he intends to move forward with his pharaonic tunnel project? La Manche, this ten billion dollar service deemed essential in his opinion to link these two international megalopolises of Lévis and Quebec?

On election night, popular attention was directed, on various media platforms, to a candidate. Not that of a party, but of a reality TV series which was expelled following I do not know what modality. If we can rightly doubt the value of what this represents over time, the fact remains that this massive shift in collective attention, on election night, does mean that there is somewhere a gap between the reality of the world and abstention seen as a simple political disease.

In other words, people prefer to see other people’s lives appear flush with the screen, even in imitation, than to designate a representative over whom they feel they have no control, except to exchange it, after four years, for a similar one.

In the land of Quebec, nothing must change, nothing must die, we read in the Maria Chapdelaine by Louis Hémon. No wonder this book, poorly understood, has been the joy of a conservative world, to the point of throwing a veil over the very nature of its formidable author as much as over his writings.

You can always check out the new version of Maria Chapdelaine signed by Sébastien Pilote. Once again, Sébastien Ricard is masterful there, as are Hélène Florent and Gilbert Sicotte, which does not surprise anyone. In this fourth cinematographic incarnation of the novel of the great Haemon, the images magnified by the ultrasensitivity of the digital swallow you up. The screen quickly takes on the appearance of an immense hole of light in the middle of landscapes in which the density of the youngest characters, including that of Maria, appears compromised.

Basically, in this land of colonization, the real characters who clash are time and space, as in a John Ford western. The actors, planted in the middle of the screen, appear tiny, even if they are often close-up, necessarily out of line with what nature presents of eternally powerful and conquering. “On the pioneer front”, where places no longer take place, where repeated gestures are sufficient to orient any idea of ​​the future, the colonist exposes his discomfort in a headlong flight, on the edge of a quest that promises the impossible conjunction of the freedom of the virgin forest and a rooting in an old parish culture. In front of one or the other of these poles, the colonist always appears badly matched, without succeeding in freeing himself.

“We are going to make them colonists, snow, Maria-Chapdelaine!” », Launched with humor a character of Réjean Ducharme in Winter by force. The settlers of Haemon, rather silent, are all the same capable, from time to time, of uttering strong words on which nevertheless weigh even stronger ones, those of a whole milieu which orders them to stick to it. for good on their condition. “We must not revolt or complain,” said the parish priest. A whole part of Quebec remains, even today, included in this injunction which validates the anointing of the elections.

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