“Immune Deficiency”, one of the causes of COVID-19 mutation : PPTVHD36

by time news

About COVID-19 Still one of the puzzles that scientists haven’t been able to 100% fully solve, it’s like a jigsaw puzzle with missing pieces.

One of the big questions that scientists and experts around the world are still searching for is “Why COVID-19 So there are so many mutations.” Because, as we all know, at present, COVID-19 has had hundreds of thousands of mutations. Some species spread easily but are not severe. But some species are difficult to spread but are highly virulent.

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In addition to the internal factors of the virus itself Latest new research from Tel Aviv University. Israel found that “Patients with impaired immune systems There is a risk of contracting COVID-19 chronic and causes the infection to develop until it becomes mutated.”

Prof. Adi Stern, an expert on virus evolution from Tel Aviv University. Research team leader explained that during the first year of the COVID-19 pandemic The virus has a relatively slow but steady mutation rate. However, since the end of 2020, the world has seen the emergence of the COVID-19 strain. with many mutations exceeded the rate found in the first year

Previously, there were various scientific hypotheses about the link between COVID-19 cases. chronic with viral mutation rate But there is no definitive proof. In this new study Prof. Stern and his research team shed some light on the mystery. and trying to answer the question of how different mutations occur.

This study looked at patients with COVID-19. chronic disease at Tel Aviv Soraski Medical Center found in covid patients-19 with impaired immunity A weakened immune system makes recovery and “cure” from the disease slower and more difficult than those with normal immune systems. resulting in decreased antibody responses. especially in the lower respiratory tract of COVID-19 patients these chronic not able to fully recover and drives the virus to mutate during prolonged infection.

Prof. Stern explained that “In every population There will be patients who are chronically infected with COVID-19 in these cases. The virus will remain in the body for a long time. and there is a high risk of re-infection Most of these patients were immunocompromised. Their immune system is damaged and unable to function.”

She said that in terms of cognitive biology, These patients are considered “Incubator” for viruses and mutations Because the virus will remain in their body for a long time. and successfully adapted to the immune system until various mutations occur

when examining some patients more closely The researchers found Although some patients showed signs of recovery But the virus was not eliminated due to weakened immunity. This allows the virus to continue to grow in the patient’s lungs.

Prof. Stern expects in immunocompromised patients covid-19 virus It is hidden in the lungs to try to mutate, and when successful it returns to the upper airway. to spread from the patient to others

One study also found interesting data: the mutations seen in people with chronic COVID-19 have some mutations that are the same as for strains of concern (VOC), such as alpha or Many delta mutations, in particular, are related to their ability to evade antibodies.

However, although many different strains occur in immunocompromised patients But initially COVID-19 These species are also considered to be at low risk of further spread.

New research indicates that Even fast-spreading strains are rare among COVID-19. strains caused by immunocompromised patients But the chances of an outbreak could increase if the global infection rate increases.

Prof. Stern concluded that “I believe our research has been successful in bringing back the missing images from the overall picture. And it has opened the door to further research efforts to discover the origins of COVID-19. different species.”

She added, “This studyEmphasizes the importance of protecting immune-compromised individuals. who are at high risk for the coronavirus-19 that could become a hotbed for the formation of the next species. which creates a risk for all of us.”

Excerpted from Drivers of adaptive evolution during chronic SARS-CoV-2 infections.

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