“SD Gundam: Fierce Fighting Alliance” original character and body information released – Hong Kong mobile game network GameApps.hk

by time news

Original character and body introduction:

■Jim (Team Kezarrodo specification)

Appearance: “SD Gundam: Fierce Fighting Alliance”

Model number: RGM-79GR

The Jim used by the spy team “Independent Hybrid Mechanized Technical Support Team” is mainly used to collect combat data and operational data.

In order to match the troop emblem commonly known as “Team Kezarrodo”, the red part of the general Jim was changed to black, and the coat of arms of the troop emblem was pasted on the left shoulder.


■ Yuno Asdalut (CV: Minami Takahashi)

A talented programmer who belongs to the GR team.

After graduating from college after skipping a grade, he entered the technical organization of the Federation by means of private expropriation, and joined the Kazalodo team in order to collect and analyze data on the front line.

The childhood sweetheart of the protagonist (player character) is responsible for the navigation business.

No Asdarut

■Sakura · Slasher (CV: Ichigase Kana)

G: The guide of the universe.

Suddenly appearing in front of the protagonist and others who were pulled into the G: universe, it is an AI program with a positive personality of a loved one.

The navigator who explained various Gundam histories to Yuno and others.

The official name is program code “SACRA/1351420”.

Sakura Slasher

Hello (CV: Katsuhei Yamaguchi)

A pet robot modified and transformed by Yuno.

A commercially available pet robot owned by Yuno. After Yuno is replaced with a self-made “educational computer”, he can communicate with people on a basic level and has rich emotions.

You can also use voice input, like a laptop or a voice assistant.


■Pious Gundam

Appearance: “SD Gundam: Fierce Fighting Alliance”

Model number: GUZ-PT/0000002

The mysterious MS that hinders the protagonist and others.

In addition to the beam slasher and beam battle axe for melee combat, it also has a wealth of armament such as beam rapid-fire guns and quadruple mega launchers.

“Phoenix Soar” can be activated. After transforming, the body is wrapped in flames to attack, releasing flames around it.

Reverent Gundam

■James Majiri (CV: KENN)

A mysterious enemy pilot who is rational and indifferent and polite.

The driver who appeared in the “Pious Gundam” and obstructed the protagonist and others.

A mysterious man with excellent MS manipulation skills and knowledge of programming.

He often acts as if he knows the “mission” of Yuno and the protagonist.

James Majiri

Reverent Gundam

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