Euro Tour – 42: Is football the only identity of Portugal? Do you know its other side? | Euro Tour 42: Some unknown facts about Portugal, the Czech Republic, and Lithuania

by time news

Although Lithuania has made significant progress since joining the EU in the early 2000s, it still faces many challenges. After the 2008 European financial crisis, many European countries reached the peak of poverty. The increase in poverty in Lithuania is also significant.


Lithuania and other Eastern European countries face the same problems as income inequality in Lithuanian society, lack of adequate social programs and fair income, low literacy, increased unemployment, poor infrastructure, low standard of living, and corrupt government.

By national standards, nearly 30 percent of Lithuania’s population faces poverty and social exclusion. This is one of the highest rates among the member states of the European Union. Due to lack of government support, lack of emphasis on talent, corruption and political interference, low wages, Lithuanians are leaving the country and seeking refuge in Western European countries. Due to this, Lithuania has also started experiencing brain damage. The result was massive social upheaval and economic collapse that continued to take root in Lithuania.

Lithuania’s immediate problem is how to deal with Russia’s strong opposition. As a story of ‘I can’t shake myself, my brother can ride in this’, keeping a thousand and eight problems in his country, in the name of helping Ukraine, he has recently closed the railway line that carries goods to the Russian territory of Kaliningrad and banned the traffic. Russia has warned of “severe” consequences for Lithuania, which has earned Russia’s enmity.



“Russia will certainly respond to such hostile actions,” said Nikolai Patrushev, its senior defense official. But Lithuania says it is only following EU sanctions imposed over Moscow’s invasion of Ukraine. What are the consequences of this is the hot topic now!

How about a Euro Tour?!

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