Simple kidney matter near the doctor recommends to observe the symptoms “Fizzy urine – swollen body” warns the senator not to buy dialysis pills to eat.

by time news

Simple kidney matter near the doctor recommends to observe the symptoms “Fluffy urine – swollen body” warns senator not to buy dialysis pills to eat, pointing out that there is no medical evidence that it can be treated with oral pills.

At 13.00 on July 3, at Samyan Mitrtown Hall, 5th floor, Samyan Mitrtown Shopping Center, Matichon Public Company Limited or Matichon Group joins forces with leading alliances. including 14 public and private hospitals, agencies under the Ministry of Public Health (MoPH), as well as the private sector Organized the Health Care 2022 Health Fair under the theme ‘Healthcare 2022 The Universe for the Elderly’, reinforcing the strength of the leader of the No. 1 health fair in Thailand for the 14th consecutive year, from 30 June to 3 July.

Prof. Emeritus, MD. Thanyarat Theerapornlertrat, a specialist in nephrology and chairman of the Department of Medicine and Academic Affairs. Hospital (Hospital) Bhumirajanagarindra Kidney Institute addressed on the topic talk forum “Knowledgeable about kidneys with the hospital. Bhumirajanagarindra Kidney Institute “that the statistics of the Nephrology Association of Thailand It was found that many Thai people have kidney disease. Kidney disease is a disease that can be cured but not completely cured. Patients need regular dialysis. So it’s very problematic. The statistics of patients receiving renal replacement therapy from 2016-2022. This increased from 72,622 to 129,724 cases per year, making the current prevalence of kidney disease per Thai population at 2,580 cases per million population. This reflects that kidney disease screening and kidney control in Thailand is not intensive enough. People with a family history of kidney disease are more at risk than others. Therefore, it is necessary to check the kidney values ​​regularly.

Prof. Kiatkun, MD. Thanyarat said that before knowing kidney disease, one must know the “kidney organ” first. red like a pig’s kidney Size length, diameter along the length, 11-12 cm, weighing 150 grams each side. In the kidneys there are small kidney units. Working on 1 million units per side, it acts as a filter for blood, filtering waste, becoming the urine that we excrete every day. However, if we have only one normal kidney, we can live like a normal person. Therefore, we can donate one kidney to a relative.

The important function of the kidneys is 1. Balance the water in the body. If you drink a lot of water, you will urinate a lot. 2. Balance the mineral salt and acid base. If we eat a lot of salt, it must be excreted in the urine as well and 3. Create many kinds of hormones. Most importantly, it’s the hormones that keep people from becoming pale. Therefore, it is observed that people with kidney disease have anemia. The doctor has to give hormones to stimulate red blood cells. However, whoever has good kidneys, that person will be able to drink water without swelling and eat salty normally. Because the excess in the body will be excreted through the urine.

Prof. Kiatkun, MD. Thanyarat further said that kidney diseases that are common in Thailand such as 1. Diabetic nephropathy. The most common And it is a major cause of kidney disease. Therefore, everyone needs to have their kidneys checked regularly. 2. Kidney disease from high blood pressure 3. Kidney disease caused by glomerulonephritis 4. Congenital cyst in the kidney Which will have very obvious symptoms. At the age of 40 years and older, the kidneys will begin to grow and have a swelling of the abdomen. And another important cause of kidney disease is taking strong painkillers or NSAIDs, especially those who go to the drugstore for joint pain relievers. and don’t know how to use it properly or use it regularly without stopping the medication It is likely to cause kidney toxicity.

“Most importantly, many elderly people look on the internet and see advertisements selling dialysis pills. I must say that dialysis pills are not available in the medical world. Don’t be fooled by the advertisements Because there is no scientific evidence to support dialysis by oral medication,” said Prof. Kiatkun, MD. Thanyarat.

Prof. Kiatkun, MD. Thanyarat said that the warning symptoms of people suffering from kidney disease are 1. Frequent urination and a lot at night. 2. Bloody urine, cloudy color. 3. Back pain, waist pain. 4. Fatigue, easily tired. 5. foamy urine due to nephritis and there is a leak of protein in the urine, causing foaming. must urgently see a doctor to check the kidneys immediately

Currently, there are several methods for detecting kidney values, such as a blood test for creatinine. or the value of wastes in the blood 2. Urine test to assess the amount of egg white protein in the urine or other abnormal cells. If an egg white or red blood cell leaks, there may be hidden kidney disease; and 3. Abdominal ultrasound. However, in cases where there is a lot of congestion in the kidneys There will be symptoms that come out of the body that are noticeable. I used to have double eyelids and only one left. Some people have swelling in their legs, especially the shins. And swollen feet are evident from walking 2. Breathlessness, loss of appetite, nausea, vomiting 3. Itchy body 4. Pale and easy to bleed Difficulty in controlling blood pressure 6. Sexual dysfunction. 7. Seem, wash, lose consciousness and if not treated fully, it will die.

Prof. Kiattikun, MD. Thanyarat said that Patients who should be screened for kidney disease or not are: 1. Diabetic patients. 2. Patients with high blood pressure 3. Allergy itself 4. Kidney stones detected 5. Cardiovascular disease and coronary heart disease 6. Age over 60 years 7. Infectious diseases in the bloodstream that may cause kidney disease. 8. Repeated urinary tract infections 8. Having a family history of chronic kidney disease 9. Those who regularly use N.S. pain relievers and 10. gout

Prof. Kiatikun, MD. Thanyarat said that kidney disease treatment can be divided into 2 groups: 1. Palliative treatment to slow down the deterioration of the kidneys. or in the early stages can use medication 2. Treatment with kidney replacement therapy or is the final kidney will require dialysis or dialysis for hemodialysis, which has 3 methods: 1. Hemodialysis for hemodialysis It’s a tricky way Because having to travel to dialysis at a hospital, doing it often, may be done every other day or every day and has a high cost 2. Peritoneal dialysis Today, there are tools that are easy to make at home. But it will affect the quality of life of patients as well and 3. Kidney transplant or kidney replacement. which is limited in the elderly because of the risk of complications

Prof. Kiatkun, MD. Thanyarat said that how to prevent kidney disease. 1. Maintain good health and control diseases such as diabetes, high blood pressure, gout. 2. Control your weight by exercising regularly for 30 minutes at least 3 days a week. 3. Diet control reduce sweet and salty food 4. Drink 8-10 glasses of water a day. 5. No smoking. 6. Refrain from taking severe painkillers and 7. See a doctor by appointment. The diet is very important, such as eating sugar that is not more than 6 teaspoons or 24 grams per day, but nowadays Thai people eat a lot of sugar. Because it is a hidden sugar in food, for example, a can of soft drink contains 8.7 teaspoons of sugar, sodium and saltiness. That determines that you should eat no more than 2,000 milligrams of sodium per day, so we must observe the various seasonings. That we have to eat more or less, for example, 1 teaspoon of fish sauce contains 400 milligrams of sodium, 1 teaspoon of MSG contains 600 milligrams, etc.

During the talks with the speakers on stage There were participants to listen to the lecture. Please allow me to join the discussion. “Don’t believe that every senator (elderly) must have high kidney fees. because if we have the discipline to control food Kidney regeneration is good. including health check As you can see, Covid-19 has been around for more than 2 years. We have protected it for a long time. We can still survive. Therefore, our kidneys can be prevented. In good health, we must act. And thank you to the organizers of this health care event. that opens a platform for the elderly to take care of their health.”

In addition, Matichon Publishing has set up a Healthy Book Fair booth at the entrance hall of Samyan Mitrtown Hall. Selling books in the Matichon group and friends of publishers at a special price, with best-selling books and books in the health category up to 20 percent off and up to 25 percent off the entire booth for a great value book set and also offering special discounts For those who subscribe to Matichon newspaper, Prachachat Business art and culture magazine Weekend Matichon Since the morning, there are frequent visitors to choose to read. continuous shopping

Traveling to Samyan Mitrtown, people can travel by MRT, get off at Samyan Station, Exit 2, enter the tunnel connecting to Samyan Mitrtown, 5th floor, which will have publicity signs attached around the mall. free of charge All participants are requested to continue to wear masks to prevent the spread of COVID-19.

Let’s build an aging society to be strong and happy together in ‘Healthcare 2022 The Universe for the Elderly’ by Matichon Group. You can walk to the last day of the event until 8 pm at Samyan Mitrtown Hall, 5th floor, Samyan Mitrtown Shopping Center. Conveniently located by MRT, get off at Samyan Station.

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