The offense was documented from the police glider, the driver was stopped further down the road

by time news

As part of the targeted enforcement activity of the traffic police in the SJ district, 443 traffic reports were recorded over the weekend on the roads of Judea and Samaria.

As part of the activity, intensive enforcement was carried out, mainly to locate drivers who drive on the road in a manner that endangers the public of road users, bullying and risking their lives.

According to traffic police data, among other things, 89 reports were recorded for detours committed while crossing a dividing line, 53 reports for offenses of using a TLS (cell phone) while driving and 71 reports for speeding. In addition, two drivers were caught drunk.

During the operation, 50 licenses were revoked and 10 vehicles were disabled.

Police have stressed that they will continue to work to change the driving culture, while incorporating advocacy and prevention measures for drivers.

Traffic police have released documentation of a driver committing an offense of crossing a continuous dividing line on a main road. The documentation as can be seen was taken using a skimmer operated by traffic police from a distance and the driver was stopped further down the road and a report was recorded for him.

Photo: Police Spokeswoman

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