The tax authority is storming the B & Bs: thousands of shekels are disappearing in the blink of an eye

by time news

Tax Authority and Beat (Flash Photo 90 / Olivia Fitoussi)

The bookkeeping unit in the Safed Assessing Officer recently audited businesses in Meron, Shear Yashuv, Beit Hillel, Shazur, Amirim, Rosh Pina, Safsufa, Dalton, Kerem Ben Zimra, Yesod HaMaala and Sde Eliezer. The audit focused on businesses from the B&B industry, businesses that had previously received warnings for non-registration of income or non-bookkeeping, businesses for which intelligence was obtained and exempt dealers whose turnover is close to the threshold beyond which a registered dealer must be registered.

During the audit, a number of cases were found of B&B owners who did not record income in the business books. In one case, it was found that a check for the sum of NIS 4,000 was not recorded in the books of accounts. The owner of the B&B claimed “this is a check I received for participating in expenses. In another case it was found that the owner of the B&B received a payment through the” Beat “app in the amount of NIS 2,819 which was not recorded in the books. “.

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Another B&B owner, who did not record an income of NIS 2,600 in the account books received on the “Beat” app, claimed “I probably missed a registration.” In another case, it was found that the owner of the B&B received a number of payments, in the total amount of NIS 2,200 and did not record them in the books of accounts. In response, the owner of the B&B said “these are transfers for accommodation advances and at the end of the month I issue receipts”.

In addition, violations were found in other industries. Thus, for example, an audit by a Chinese stabber in the city of Safed compared the order diary to the receipt book and found that the business owner received NIS 1,850 from ten different customers and did not record the income in the account books. In response, the business owner claimed “I did not deliver and I am very busy”.

A total of 39 inspections were carried out during the operation, in which 8 cases of non-registration of income or non-management of books were found. In addition, 23 law enforcement inspections were conducted to reduce the use of cash and one violation was found in the amount of NIS 2,350.

These operations are being conducted as part of the Tax Authority’s extensive activities against tax evaders and black capital. This is within the framework of the policy of increasing enforcement activity to improve and maintain deterrence, inter alia by conducting field operations, the purpose of which is to bring about true reporting and the collection of real tax and thus increase equality in the burden among citizens.

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