The devotee who was born days after the death of his father passed away

by time news

His coffin will reach the Holy Land: The late Rabbi Baruch Mordechai Yehuda Leibowitz of Boro Park, who was born a few days after his father died and was named after him, passed away on Shabbat. He is survived by a blessed tribe, and his brother the Rebbe of Nickelsburg from Monsey. His coffin will reach the Holy Land for burial on the Mount of Olives

Baruch Dayan HaAmet: The news of the death of the late Rabbi Baruch Mordechai Yehuda Leibowitz, who is 71 years old, arrived on Saturday evening from the Borough Park neighborhood in Brooklyn.

The late Rabbi Baruch Mordechai Yehuda, was born to his father, the late Rabbi Baruch Yehuda Leibowitz, who was a Shuv in the Allah KK. , Who was the son of the late Rabbi Baruch Derechker and above in the Holy.

He was born on the 8th of Adar 5711; his father, Rabbi Baruch Mordechai, had died a few days earlier, on the 2nd of Adar, and the rabbi, the owner of the “Joel Moshe” from Satmar, came himself to remove the newborn from the hospital. And even during the covenant, the Rebbe of Satmar said for the only time the blessing to be included in the covenant of AA and gave it the name ‘Baruch Mordechai Yehuda’, because it was on Purim and added Yehuda as ‘Baruch Mordechai the Jew’.

When he reached the age of 14, his mother remarried to the Rebbe of Skolen, Rabbi Eliezer Zusia, the late.

When he was a groom, he traveled to Eretz Israel and studied at the Kretschnif Yeshiva in Kiryat Ata with the late Rabbi Hershel of Kretschnif.

When he arrived at the chapter, the man from the Temple carried the daughter of the late Rebbe Yerachmiel Unger of Dumbrava, who was the R.M.

When he was a young student, he later served as a teacher at the Munkatch School in Borough Park and was involved in education alongside his brother, the Rebbe of Nickelsburg, who was at the time the spiritual director of the Munkatch Torah Talmud.

All his days he was around setting times for Torah both in attending public Torah lessons and in fellowship. For many years he had a chavruta in the early morning at the Beit Midrash Burstein, as well as at the beit midrash in Asramin, which was close to his home.

Every time his grandchildren came to him, he always talked to them about what they had learned in a yeshiva or Talmud Torah. One of his acquaintances tells Behadrei Haredim that he always thanked the Creator of the world for having descendants with shutters.

With his brother the Rebbe of Nickelsburg

He had a tremendous emotion, in the power of his understanding and emotions in the playing and formulas of prayer, many righteous people asked him to come to pray in their beit midrash and pass before the ark.

Blessed with special descendants. His eldest son is the businessman R. Chaim Yaakov, his son is the Governor R. Shraga Shmuel. Rabbi Eliezer. And more.

His brothers: the Rebbe of Allah London, who passed away 17 years ago, Rabbi Elazar David, Rabbi Naftali of Williamsburg, the Rebbe of Nickelsburg of Monsey, his sister Mrs. Chaya Leifer Shachi, the widow of the Rebbe of Bishtna, of Boro Park, and his sister Mrs. Hinda Deborah Daskel.

Funeral procession today (Sunday) at 12:00 noon from the Dachsidi Burstein seminary in the Borough Park neighborhood of Brooklyn. From there, his coffin will reach the Holy Land and the funeral will take place from the Kretschnif Beit Midrash Jerusalem on Avinoam Yellin Street and he will be buried on the Mount of Olives.

May his soul be bundled in the bundle of life.

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