Quebec threatens to sue an anti-vaccine home school platform

by time news

A digital platform to help parents get their children out of school, created by a former anti-vaccine teacher who wants to “destroy” the education system, is in the sights of Quebec, which threatens to sue her if she does. continues to claim that its content is “certified” and “meets Ministry of Education requirements”.

Tristan Péloquin

Tristan Péloquin

MonÉ was launched in the last few days by Carole Martel, a former primary school music teacher who is very active in the movement against health measures. She recently promised on Facebook to provide children with a life “without a mask”, “far from the school system” of which “we don’t give a damn about what they teach”. “My Benevolent School is […] the first step towards our free communities. To get there, we have to destroy some systems, [dont] that of education, [ce qui] will come pretty quickly. Health will follow, ”she said.

For $ 50 a month, parents who subscribe to its service get advice on how to get their children out of school. The site has many non-functional pages, and promises access to smartphone apps that were impossible to download on Monday.

The home page of the site states that the content is “certified [et] meets the requirements of the Ministry ”of Education.

The Ministry of Education qualifies this claim as “false”.

The Ministry of Education asks the site to withdraw the mention “certified, meets the requirements of the Ministry of Education”. They must withdraw this false claim quickly. Legal recourse is not excluded.

A spokesperson for the Ministry of Education

“The Ministry of Education has never issued a certification for this platform and dissociates itself entirely from its content and from the team which claims to offer educational support.

“Home education is a right in Quebec, but we would like to warn parents about this platform. The Ministry of Education can help parents who wish to educate their children at home, but this site is in no way recognized, ”added the spokesperson for the Ministry.

Joined by Press by email, Mme Martel affirmed that Mon École Bienveillante “does not claim to be certified by the [ministère de l’Éducation] », But screenshots from the site show otherwise.


“If we have transmitted information suggesting otherwise, we will make the necessary corrections,” she added, adding that she would not make any further comments.

Collaboration with “Stu Pitt”

Carole Martel has produced several videos for Mon École Bienveillante in collaboration with Lux Media, an alternative media owned by André Pitre, alias Stu Pitt, influential leader of the anti-sanitary measures movement. Some of the videos featuring Mme Martel invite internet users to donate to Stu Pitt’s PayPal account as well as to his Stu-Dio distribution platform, which argues that the pandemic is an invention of the corrupt elite.


André Pitre, influential leader of the anti-sanitary measures movement

Mr. Pitre refused to grant us an interview on Monday. This is not his first provocation in connection with health measures. Last winter, he broadcast live on social networks several ceremonies of the New Creation Church, in the Saint-Michel district, whose pastor Carlos Norbal openly defied the health decrees prohibiting indoor gatherings.

Mme Martel recently posted photos of her on Facebook with François Amelaga, former math teacher at Jean-de-Brébeuf college who is stepping up actions in front of schools with a megaphone to encourage children not to be vaccinate. His actions prompted the National Assembly to pass a special law last week to ban such demonstrations within 50 meters of schools.


Carole Martel and François Amelaga

Another photo posted by Mme Martel on Facebook shows her with a sweater bearing the words “Fuck Legault”, trademark of the more radical wing of opposition to sanitary measures which calls itself the Farfadaas. She also participated last spring in a fundraising activity organized by the Foundation for the Defense of Rights and Freedoms, which collects donations to carry out legal proceedings against the government and health decrees.

“It harms our image”

As of September 27, Quebec had 8,291 children declared in homeschooling. Their number even reached nearly 12,000 at the height of the crisis in the spring, when before the pandemic, it usually hovered around 5,000, said the Quebec Association for Home Education (AQED).

Its president, Marine Dumond, dissociated herself from Mon École Bienveillante, and said that the site managers tried to relay videos tinged with anti-sanitary measures speech through the AQED Facebook page.

“It wasn’t serious enough for us to accept. There are parents who are currently choosing homeschooling because of the pandemic, either because they find that schools do not protect their children well, or because there are too many measures and experience education is not good. We are there to demystify legal obligations, but we do not enter into debates on health measures, ”explained Mme Dumond.

“Of course, if homeschooling becomes the main image of families who refuse the system, who are anti-tax and against sanitary measures, it harms our image and it worries us,” added Dumond.

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