Tristan da Cunha, two and a half years without a single covid case; Amazing island! – life on tristan da cunha the world’s most remote inhabited island and fight against covid 19

by time news
There are no continents in the world where the covid virus has not yet reached. According to the website Worldometers, 55,35,91,147 people have been affected by Covid-19 in the world so far. 63,59,967 people lost their lives. But there is a place in the world that has not reported a single case of covid yet. The volcanic island known as Tristan da Cunha, located 9881 km from the mainland in the Atlantic Ocean, has not reported a single case of Covid-19 in the last two and a half years.

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Tristan da Cunha, a British-held volcanic island, is located between the Atlantic Ocean, the African mainland and South America. It has about 250 residents. Reports are that no one on the island has been diagnosed with covid so far. The people of Tristan da Cunha were enjoying life as usual while the world was reeling under the threat of covid.

The island is rarely visited by outsiders. The trip to the island takes about a week from Cape Town, South Africa. Due to the length of the journey, fishermen or research vessels rarely reach here. If anyone on the ship arriving to the island was confirmed to be infected with the virus, the ship was not docked at the island.

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The island has limited health facilities. And there are more elderly people. So it was essential for the islanders to protect themselves against Covid. There is no ICU facility or ventilator on the island. The island is inhabited by five families with 218 members.

Apart from them, there are 30 more people on the island including doctors, teachers and nurses. In 1961, residents fled the island when a volcanic eruption occurred. But they were rehabilitated in 1963. Edinburgh is currently the main settlement on the island. Currently, only those who have completed vaccinations are allowed to enter the island.

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