The body must be strong! A collection of ‘how to prepare’ to prevent diseases that come with rainy season | TrueID Creator

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way get readyPrevent disease caused by rainy season

to keep the body healthy Far away from disease and sickness during the rainy season Knowing how to cope and prepare to prevent these dangers. It is absolutely necessary. because when knowing how to deal with the disease that comes with rainy season It will help us to be careful. reduces the risk of disease ready to help take care of our health and our loved ones to be safer

1. Strengthen the immune system of the body.

With the weather in the rainy season that is often variable Preparation for coping by strengthening the immune system. It is an important checkpoint in building good health for everyone. because when the immune system is strong It will help reduce the risk of disease more. Because the immune system is responsible for preventing pathogens. by means of strengthening the immune system to resistDiseases that come with rainy seasonis as follows

get enough sleep

Sleep according to the appropriate sleep hours for each age range, about 7-9 hours per day. And sleep at the correct time, that is, going to bed before 22.00 every night will help strengthen the body to secrete Growth Hormone. to restore the body ready to create new, stronger cells According to information from the Department of Mental Health, it was found that Not getting enough sleep can really affect the production of cells in the immune system, because according to research from the University of Chicago. who tried the flu vaccination test In those who slept 7 hours a night after 4 days of sleep, it was found that the body was able to produce cells in the immune system or Antibody by 50% more than those who slept 4 hours a night by up to 50%.

The body must be strong!  A collection of 'how to prepare' to prevent diseases that come with rainy season.

Eat nutritious food and complete the 5 food groups.

eating foods that are beneficial to the body It is an important foundation for building good health for all human beings. This is because the food we eat is one of the determinants of our good or bad health. So are you.” Foods to boost your immune system include ginger, lemongrass, sunflower sprouts, protein, and fruits and vegetables rich in vitamin C.

The body must be strong!  A collection of 'how to prepare' to prevent diseases that come with rainy season.

Use eucalyptus essential oil (Eucalyptus Essential Oil)

Eucalyptus essential oil It is a great helper in strengthening the immune system.

According to research published in BMC Immunology, eucalyptus essential oil stimulates an immune response. Simultaneously, there was a study by Italian researchers. including the University of Cincinnati studies. United States (University Of Cincinnati) found that eucalyptus essential oil. It increases the ability of macrophage cells to destroy pathogens higher. It also stimulates the immune system to fight viruses, fungi and bacteria effectively. It can be said that if you want to build a strong immune system. Smelling 100% natural extracted eucalyptus essential oil by using it in conjunction with an aroma diffuser that can spread the scent throughout the house. It will help strengthen the body’s immune system. Reduce the risk of discomfort And help strengthen the body to have better immunity to various pathogens that come together in the rainy season

The body must be strong!  A collection of 'how to prepare' to prevent diseases that come with rainy season.

2. Inhibit pathogens in the air

Air is an important medium for spreading germs and viruses during the rainy season. because of the cold and humid climate Germs and viruses can spread more quickly. If inhaled or exposed to the virus that spreads in the air through coughing or sneezing of the patient. or through contact with things contaminated with the virus It will cause more sickness. which is a group of diseases in the rainy season that are often transmitted by airborne pathogens Is a group of diseases related to the respiratory system, such as the common cold. influenza or tonsillitis, etc.

Therefore, to prevent germs from being in the air Therefore, it is something that we should pay close attention to because it is one of the ways to deal with diseases that come from rainy season. especially diseases related to the respiratory system which foreign research found Eucalyptus essential oil is rich in the main compound 1,8-cineole or Eucalyptol (eucalyptol) that is up to 70-85%.

So it makes eucalyptus essential oil. has antiviral properties Against bacteria, fungi, protozoa and various germs that are present in the home and the air. but that means Must choose only 100% pure essential oils extracted from nature, which we can choose to use eucalyptus essential oil. to suppress airborne pathogens both the air in the home and the workplace by

Mix essential oils with aroma diffuser. (Aroma Diffuser) Help diffuse the scent of eucalyptus essential oil. Create fresh, clean air ready to inhibit pathogens that are in the air throughout the area

Use as a air freshener by mixing eucalyptus essential oil 100% pure natural, paired with water or distilled water in a spray bottle and sprayed in the air throughout the room.

The body must be strong!  A collection of 'how to prepare' to prevent diseases that come with rainy season.

3. Beware of mosquitoes and insect carriers.

Mosquitoes and insects are important vectors that cause disease in the rainy season. whether it is the Aedes mosquito that causes dengue fever Anopheles mosquitoes that cause malaria and nuisance mosquitoes, etc., which we can prepare to prevent mosquitoes and insects from being abundant. or is the cause of these diseases by Vaccination to prevent early destruction of mosquito breeding sites. and the use of eucalyptus essential oil as an aid in eliminating mosquitoes and insects

Eucalyptus Essential Oil, which is extracted from 100% natural origin, is considered a helper in repelling mosquitoes. Instead of using DEET, the chemical active ingredient found in mosquito repellents. It was found that when using Eucalyptus Essential Oil mixed with topical carrier oil Will be able to repel mosquitoes for up to 8 hours. In addition, when mixed with eucalyptus essential oil with water in a spray bottle. It can also be used to repel insects, lice and bed bugs. If anyone wants to repel mosquitoes and insects in a natural way Using pure eucalyptus essential oil It is a great choice ever.

The body must be strong!  A collection of 'how to prepare' to prevent diseases that come with rainy season.

4. Repel rats in a natural way

Leptospirosis is a disease that must be highly monitored and prevented during the rainy season. because when it rains until flooding occurs It may carry urine contaminated with the virus from rats. or pathogens in sewage pipes flowing with rainwater that can flood which leptospirosis is transmitted through wounds with water as a carrier, so everyone, especially those with wounds should therefore avoid walking in flooded waters

Therefore, to prevent leptospirosis Should repel rats in each area early, using eucalyptus essential oil is one of the most effective ways to repel rats. Because eucalyptus essential oil is rich in 1,8-cineole, it is an excellent pesticide. It is a more environmentally friendly way than using chemicals. If anyone is looking for a natural way to get rid of rats Want to reduce the risk of leptospirosis To prevent rats in the area, you can drop eucalyptus essential oil. 100% pure natural extracts mixed in an empty spray bottle. then spray on the desired area It will help drive the rats to escape better.

The body must be strong!  A collection of 'how to prepare' to prevent diseases that come with rainy season.

5. Eat clean, cooked food.

To prevent digestive diseases that are common in the rainy season We should choose to eat freshly cooked food every time. because eating raw, cooked food or eating unclean food and drinking water There is contamination of microorganisms and bacteria. It can cause stomach pain. feel more uncomfortable

The body must be strong!  A collection of 'how to prepare' to prevent diseases that come with rainy season.

Even if the rainy season makes us feel cool and refreshed. but with cold and humid weather It makes the disease spread more easily. Therefore, in order to build a healthy body, safe fromDiseases that come with rainy season It must keep strengthening the immune system. Take care of yourself by eating nutritious food. Do not bring yourself to the point where the risk of disease. Always ready for preventive vaccinations for safety. Try to bringhow to prepare to prevent the disease that comes with rainy seasonLet’s use it. Guaranteed to help strengthen your health. Let us relax and enjoy the humid rainy season with more peace of mind.

The body must be strong!  A collection of 'how to prepare' to prevent diseases that come with rainy season.

Credit for the cover photo from Canva.

Thank you for the 1st photo credit from @macrovector by Freepix.

Thank you for the 2nd photo credit from @poravute by Freepix.

Credit for the 3rd photo from @diana.grytsku by Freepix.

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Image credit: 5th from CHÔL Aromatique by CHÔL Aromatique.

Image credit: 6th picture from CHÔL Aromatique by CHÔL Aromatique.

Image credit: 7th from CHÔL Aromatique by CHÔL Aromatique.

Credit for the 8th photo from @alexphotos by Freepix.

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