School, mini quarantine for students? What the experts say

by time news

A ‘mini-quarantine’ of only 5 days for the neighboring school students of the companion infected with the coronavirus? The hypothesis being examined by the Technical Scientific Committee for the Covid emergency divides the experts, who at Salute explain the pros and cons of the measure under study to continue teaching in the presence.

“The hypothesis of a school quarantine for the school neighbor of the positive and limited to 5 days is a good idea. In fact, I say that for the older children vaccinated any quarantine should be avoided. This could be the tool to return. to a complete normal life “, the opinion at Salute’s Matteo Bassetti, director of the Infectious Diseases Clinic of the San Martino Polyclinic in Genoa.

The virologist, on the other hand, has a different opinion Fabrizio Pregliasco, professor of the University of Milan. Limiting the quarantine at school to the positive’s classmate only, and shortening its duration, “means increasing the level of risk. It can be done, it is an element to be evaluated, but not immediately”, he explains to Salute.

“There is a desire that is that of reopening – notes the expert – an objective drive to want to do more and better. I say let’s do it, but with progression”. Limiting quarantine at school “has its own sense – recognizes Pregliasco – also to give value to vaccinated people, to highlight this advantage, but still vaccinated people cannot take advantage of this freedom – he warns – due to an excessive share of non-vaccinated people at a general level . We are almost there, but we wait. ”

“We are still a little behind – explains the virologist – with respect to a data on the circulation of the virus. Now we are in a decreasing phase, fortunately, but – remember – there could be a backlash. Let’s wait a little longer. Let’s evaluate it, and it is then a political decision with respect to the residual risk that increases “.

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