Marlène Schiappa is appointed Secretary of State in charge of the social and solidarity economy and associative life

by time news

She is making a comeback in government. Marlène Schiappa has been appointed Secretary of State in charge of the social and solidarity economy and associative life, the Elysée announced on Monday July 4. At 39, the former minister delegate in charge of citizenship finds a place in the government after having left it in the wake of the presidential election.

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During Emmanuel Macron’s first term, Schiappa was one of the faces of the members of the government from civil society, where she held the post of secretary of state responsible for equality between women and men. Very present in the media, she had notably been at the origin in 2019 of the Grenelle on domestic violence to fight against feminicides.

About forty measures, some of which found a legislative translation, had been announced by the government, in the hope of provoking “electroshock”, in the words of the Prime Minister at the time, Edouard Philippe. Among them, the wearing of anti-reconciliation bracelets by violent men (system generalized in December 2020), accessibility twenty-four hours a day and seven days a week of 39-19, a helpline for women victims of violence (measure which will be effective at the end of June), the development of a common risk assessment grid for law enforcement, the creation of 1,000 accommodation places for women in 2020, the possibility for doctors to dispense with their patient’s agreement to issue a report to the prosecutor if they believe that she is in immediate danger… But feminist associations had deplored the lack of resources allocated by the government to the fight against marital violence.

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A book about his experience in government

In the summer of 2020, after the replacement of Edouard Philippe by Jean Castex at Matignon, Mme Schiappa had been appointed Minister Delegate for Citizenship to the Minister of the Interior, Gérald Darmanin. She was notably in charge of issues of asylum and integration of foreigners for two years, during which she had, for example, to coordinate the reception of Afghan refugees after the Taliban took power and that of Ukrainians more recently. . Before leaving the government following the presidential election.

Read also Article reserved for our subscribers Marlène Schiappa, the good student of Macronie

In recent weeks, she has notably published a new book entitled Is this a good situation, minister? (Les éditions de l’Observatoire) which tells the backstage of these five years spent in government. She also spoke about the former minister of solidarity, Damien Abad, accused of attempted rape.

“The Minister of Solidarity has supervision over the DGCS [direction générale de la cohésion sociale]. This means that, very directly, the entire communication service for women’s rights and gender equality is attached to the Minister of Solidarity. Does a person who is implicated in several cases of rape (…) is entitled to have supervision over this direction? I think the question arises”, she said last week on BFM-TV. A few days after this statement, Schiappa is therefore entering a government that Mr. Abad is leaving.

Read also: Article reserved for our subscribers Clément Beaune and Marlène Schiappa: “It is time to give more substance to European citizenship”

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