Summary of the term: RAAM is the highest achiever in the coalition

by time news

Yael Sarah Rap, Knitted News04.07.22 12:46 H. Tammuz Tishpev

Term of office: Bad

(Photo: Jonathan Zindel / Flash 90)

2022 Elections: With the dissolution of the Knesset, the Center for Citizen Empowerment returned to the coalition agreements and measured the percentage of compliance with the clauses to which the parties committed themselves, in forming the government.

An examination of the data shows that a new hope leads with the existence of 63%, followed perhaps surprisingly – a right-wing party with 61% fulfillment of the commitments and a prime minister attached to it with 60%. Fulfilled about 55% of the promises and work at the bottom of the list with 52% of all the clauses to which it was committed.

The Center for Citizens’ Empowerment’s review left the coalition agreements dismantled by the center to some 326 practical commitments, of which the current government has implemented 211 commitments, that is, 65% of all commitments from the coalition agreements.

Coalition members after the budget transfer (Photo: Danny Shem Tov, Knesset Spokeswoman)

Policy compliance: RAAM in the first place

In addition, the examination included the existence of “policy clauses” on issues such as education, economy, health, religion and state, environment, law and more. When looking at the essential clauses, it turns out that the RAAM party leads with 63% of the clauses.

Key commitments implemented

A plan to combat violence and a five-year plan for socio-economic development in the Arab sector (RAAM), a reform to discriminate against cannabis consumers (New Hope), a plan to improve and reduce the bureaucratic burden (Yisrael Beiteinu), a government decision to develop the Golan Heights and Katzrin (Yisrael Beiteinu), fundraising for soldiers Discharged (blue and white), a plan to eradicate adult loneliness (there is a future), strengthening and budgeting the health system (Meretz), reform of the Standards Institute (right), approval of a biennial state budget (all factions).

Key commitments partially implemented

Establishment of the Regulatory Authority (Yisrael Beiteinu), reform of kashrut (right), promotion of environmental regulation (Meretz), depililisation of technical offenses (new hope), umbrella agreements with authorities in Arab society (RAAM), promotion of the National Projects Law (Right), eradication of the oppression of the elderly (Yesh Atid), “One Soul” reform to support IDF disabled people (blue and white), establishment of a Jewish Renewal Division in the Ministry of Diaspora (Labor), promotion of LGBT rights (Meretz, Labor, Blue White, Yesh Atid, Yisrael Beiteinu), assigning standards to increase enforcement of planning and construction offenses in Area C (right, blue and white, Yisrael Beiteinu, Yesh Atid).

Key commitments not implemented

Restricting the term of office of the Prime Minister (Yesh Atid, Yisrael Beiteinu, Tikva Hadasha), splitting the Attorney General’s Institution (Tikva Hadasha), establishing a committee to examine changes in the electoral system (Yisrael Beiteinu and New Hope), promoting the fight against racism (Meretz), open election in Representatives of the Judicial Selection Committee (New Hope), completion of the enactment of the draft law as approved in the first reading in the 20th Knesset (blue and white), regulation of the status of Israeli agriculture (Labor), promotion of the Western Wall layout (Yesh Atid, Yisrael Beiteinu, Meretz, Labor, Blue White), update the goals of appropriate representation for Arab society in the civil service (RAAM), unemployment benefits for the self-employed (right).

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