“Everyone who cares about football wants Betar Jerusalem to stay”

by time news

With the background of the attempts to stabilize the economic situation in order to be able to put together a worthy team in the coming season, Betar Jerusalem announced today (Monday) a strengthening of Yossi Aboksis’ staff: Or Or Zahavi returned to the club after a year in Bnei Yehuda. Agent Tal Ben Haim.

The 26-year-old Zehavi, who received the number 5 shirt, said after the signing: “It’s fun and good for me to go home to the place I love, and give everything for the club and the sergeant. I want to thank coach Yossi Aboksis for the trust and I will be back on the field.” The previous term of the brake in the yellow-black uniform lasted between 2018 and 2021 and he made 69 appearances in it.

Second term. Zehavi and Ben Haim at the signing ceremony | Official website, Betar Jerusalem

According to its work plan, Betar Jerusalem will take care this season mainly of debts to players that were postponed from last season, FIFA rulings and necessary requirements for payment this season, while at the same time debts to players’ agents, suppliers and other parties will be postponed or spread over several years. The agreement with the association has been canceled, but its members are still trying to raise money.

Betar said this morning: “We make great efforts all the time and do not engage in speculation. “Everyone who cares about Israeli football wants Betar to stay. We will find the solutions, it is only a matter of time.”

Although the association and the budget control are trying to help Betar, the club has not yet been able to carry out all the necessary actions and may soon receive a one-day warning letter, after which if the team does not move it will be relegated. Lane of any other club.

Yossi Aboksis, home coach
In the capital are optimistic | Kobi Eliyahu

Regarding the fan association that is still trying to recruit businessmen, for Betar the agreement was canceled as soon as they did not meet the financial goals. If the association returns in the future with money, it will be a new agreement. Emptied the agreement of its contents.

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