“Chronic hepatitis B” is no small matter. May cause serious disease in the future: PPTVHD36

by time news

Believe it or not.. almost a third of the world’s population has been infected with hepatitis B and about 400 million people develop chronic hepatitis B. And from 2009 data, it was found that the population with chronic hepatitis B virus infection in Thailand is as high as 8% of the population, or about 3 million people, most of whom are infected with hepatitis B virus. normal before coming in for treatment The disease has developed beyond the stage that it can be cured. That is… cirrhosis and metastatic liver cancer have occurred.

Get the “liver” to know the importance of it. Recommend 8 tips to take care of your health.

Loss of appetite, fast thinning, fatigue. One of the signs “Liver Cancer”

It’s us humans! vectors for transmission of infection “Hepatitis B virus”

Hepatitis B can be found in all secretions of an infected person, especially in the bloodstream. Therefore, the infection can be transmitted from person to person. The channel found that causes the most infection is Sexually transmitted and transmitted from mother to child


When hepatitis B virus enters the body The infection enters the bloodstream and infiltrates the liver cells.

  • Some people may have flu-like symptoms.
  • squeamish
  • vomit
  • enlarged liver and yellow eyes
  • But most often there are no obvious abnormalities.

Then the body’s immune system will try to get rid of the infection. If it can’t be eliminated completely, it will cause a condition. “Chronic hepatitis B virus infection”

Go through the liver cancer crisis with “Bank Phachara”, suggesting ways to manage the disease and take care of yourself.

Hepatitis B virus is a silent threat, easy to spread, causing life-threatening disease.

Infected… need urgent treatment Because it can cause “cirrhosis” and “liver cancer”.

Many people think that without symptoms, they shouldn’t have to do anything. but in reality According to the data that have been followed in a 5-year follow-up study of chronic hepatitis B virus patients, approximately 8-20% of patients develop cirrhosis, namely swelling of the legs, swelling of the legs, yellowing of the eyes, lethargy, confusion, which are beyond remedy. keep up have to wait to receive liver donations to continue living or may die of liver failure or may detect a large lump in the liver which is… liver cancer

Treatment guidelines…may depend on individual factors.

Hepatitis B virus is a type of organism that relies on the human body for its livelihood. Therefore, it can be divided to increase the amount in the body. Tracking the habits of the virus to see how much infection there is. The ability to divide quickly or slowly and damage the liver more or less It will be a tool that leads to the evaluation of the appropriate treatment approach for each patient. for example

If the patient has a bad habit of hepatitis B virus that divides quickly. have a large amount of infection and have a lot of hepatitis Of course, this patient is also very likely to develop cirrhosis. There is a high chance of developing liver cancer. Therefore, it must be treated to reduce the amount of virus appropriately.

If the patient has hepatitis B virus infection is low and does not cause hepatitis. The chances of developing cirrhosis or liver cancer are also low. will not have to start treatment It only requires periodic follow-up and be ready to initiate treatment if the virus’s habits change. In this section, the treating physician is responsible for explaining and educating the infected person to have an understanding of the hepatitis B virus.

warn! Eating fresh, uncooked liver is at risk of contracting infection, parasites, ear fever.

“Lymphoma” is common in Thai people. Doctor advises how to observe What spots do you feel on your body?

Change behavior…help heal “liver disease”

In addition to following up on treatment Taking care of yourself is also important.

  • regular exercise
  • Choose nutritious food
  • Hepatitis A vaccination
  • Avoid risky behaviors that can damage your liver, such as drinking alcohol. Eating crushed nuts, which often contain certain types of fungi that affect the liver taking certain medications

All of them are helping to keep the liver healthy. reduce the risk of developing liver disease In addition, there is something that must be very careful in infected people. must not infect others

Chronic hepatitis B virus is a silent threat, gradually progressing to the disease without symptoms in the infected person. Therefore, it is necessary to receive advice on how to act. disease progression monitoring and appropriate treatment by specialized doctors To extend the life of the liver to stay with you as long as possible

Thank you health information from Phyathai 2 Hospital

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