‘I could have been one of them’: MMA star Francis Ngannou angry after drowning of migrants in Spain

by time news

On June 24, 2022, 23 African migrants were killed trying to enter the Spanish enclave of Melilla, located in Morocco. This is where a decade ago, current UFC heavyweight world champion Francis Ngannou spent the toughest hours of his life. Sleeping with a simple plastic blanket, the MMA star spent weeks in the cold and insecurity before finding a boat to reach France and Paris where he remained homeless for almost a year.

The drama in Melilla brought back painful memories for the fighter who has expressed his anger in recent hours in a long Twitter thread at the indifference the drama has garnered. “People of the world, fans, friends, please understand why it’s so hard for me to witness all of this. I can’t help but think that just nine years ago I might have been one of those people who tragically lost everything in an attempt to find a better life. I know this exact place” the MMA champion was indignant.

According to several NGOs, such as “Human Rights Watch” (HRW), images of the tragedy revealed acts of brutality, with bodies strewn on the ground, Moroccan police officers beating and Spanish security forces firing tear gas on men clinging to fences. These images obviously did not leave the UFC champion indifferent: “You have to understand that if I hadn’t tried this thing myself, you wouldn’t know me. I could not have become a world champion. I happened to be lucky. »

PODCAST. Francis Ngannou, from homeless to MMA world champion

Beyond the images, what disgusts the former homeless man is the indifference to such dramas which only lasted a few seconds on the news. “To this day, those who live there are subjected to the most barbaric and inhumane treatment you can imagine. ⁣I do NOT agree that no one talks about it. I do NOT agree that no one blames them and acts on those responsible. I do NOT agree that the western media does not report it. »

“When will we say enough is enough! »

In his long publication, Francis Ngannou still laments: “How can our own leaders see this again and again and not defend their people? When will we say ENOUGH is ENOUGH? What will it take to stop treating us like this? What did we do so wrong to deserve this treatment? Aren’t we human enough for you? Shouldn’t we exist on the same planet? ⁣Since when is leaving your family to find a job to support yourself a crime? Since when is hoping to survive a crime? When will these acts of barbarism against our people be punished? When will they stop? I need answers. »

The UN has condemned the tragedy in Melilla and two investigations have been opened in Spain, as well as an information mission to Morocco to find out all the circumstances.

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