Steinitz has announced that he is retiring from political life: he will not run in the primaries

by time news

MK Yuval Steinitz of the Likud announced today that he is retiring from political life and does not intend to run in the upcoming primaries for a place on the party list. Steinitz announced his decision to party chairman Netanyahu after debating the issue in recent weeks. Steinitz has served in the Knesset on behalf of the Likud since 1999, and in senior positions in the government as Minister of Finance, Minister of Energy, Minister of Intelligence and Chairman of the Knesset’s Foreign Affairs Committee and will now retire after 23 years in politics.

Steinitz is considered an associate of Netanyahu and a moderate marker within the Likud over the years.

Steinitz formulated the gas layout and contributed to the development of the Leviathan gas reservoir, halting the plan to expand the coal-fired power plant in Hadera with the goal of switching to green energies to generate electricity and reduce polluting energies. Steinitz was criticized for presenting optimistic forecasts regarding gas profits that did not currently stand the test of reality. As Minister of Finance between 2009 and 2013 he transferred Israel for the first time to a biennial budget, passed an amendment to the Capital Investments Law to inject money into the state and during his time also entered into force the Centralization in Credit Act he initiated. Steinitz served as finance minister in the wake of the 2011 social protest and price increases and was required following increased protests for a number of steps on the recommendation of the Trachtenberg Commission.

In a press release, Steinitz said that “after 23 years as a Member of Knesset – during which I was able to serve as Minister of Finance, Minister of Intelligence, Minister of Energy and Chairman of the Foreign Affairs and Defense Committee – I felt I and my family deserved some fresh air.

“I am proud of the achievements I have made in my various roles, in economics, statesmanship and security. Some of them have historical significance, such as: unveiling the Syrian nuclear program; inventing the first biennial budget of its kind in the world; Israel’s entry into the OECD; And the outline of gas and the transformation of Israel into an energy power. “

Former Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu: “My friend Dr. Yuval Steinitz has been a loyal partner in the successful economic policy in which we have led Israel for the best decade in its history. “As Minister of Finance Yuval, he worked to lower prices and taxes and as a member of the political-security cabinet he was a partner in particularly important decisions for Israel’s security. I am sure that Yuval will continue to contribute to the citizens of Israel and our beloved country.”

Former Knesset Speaker MK Yuli Edelstein said: “Yuval, first of all – you were a friend and partner in the journey and will remain so even when you become a citizen. In your pleasant and quiet way, you performed every job and task assigned to you. “A real sense of mission. I wish you success and pleasure in whatever way you choose to go, and I have no doubt that you will continue to be an integral part of our home, of the Likud, even outside the Mishkan.”

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