Appointments in Isala Dialysis Center

by time news

Read more about the appointments before, during and after dialysis, the visiting times and your rights and obligations.

Quality of care is very important to us. Because your health and quality of life depend on the treatments we perform. We work with extensive protocols so that our care is as safe as possible. For example in the field of hygiene. The nurses at the dialysis center work with you to ensure that the dialysis treatment is done properly and safely.

For your treatment

Upon arrival at the ward you can weigh yourself, take your own container from your locker and then take a seat in the waiting area.

While connecting

  • No visitors may be present during the connection. Your visitors can wait in the waiting area while connecting (read more under ‘Visit’).
  • You wear a mouth-nose mask while connecting. The nurse does this too.
  • You cannot use your laptop, telephone or other device while connecting.
  • The nurse determines the order in which patients are connected to the dialysis equipment.

During dialysis

Visite door arts

During the dialysis treatment it is possible that the nephrologist and/or nurse specialist will visit you. We call this the visit. To ensure that the visit goes smoothly, we have a number of agreements:

  • During dialysis, only dialysis-related matters will be discussed with you. If you would like to discuss something else, please contact your GP.
  • Do you need a repeat prescription? Then you can request the repeat prescription on the visiting days / during the visit.
  • Outside the visiting days, the nephrologist will only visit you in acute situations.
  • Has a doctor other than your nephrologist adjusted your medications? Then pass this on to the nurses as soon as possible.

Food and drink

The service assistant of the dialysis center provides food and drinks during your dialysis treatment.

  • The service assistant regularly comes by with coffee, tea or soft drink.
  • You will receive light snacks during your dialysis treatment based on your nutritional advice. This nutritional advice has been prepared together with your dietitian. The service assistant and nurses adhere to this advice.
  • During your dialysis treatment you can receive a snack from the service assistant.

During shutdown

  • No visitors are allowed during the closing. Your visitors can wait in the waiting area while connecting (read more under ‘Visit’).
  • You wear a mouth-nose mask while printing. The nurse does this too.
  • Do you print yourself? Then you should also wear gloves. You will receive the gloves from the nurse.
  • Are you leaving the department? Don’t forget to put your bowl back in your locker.

Dialysis treatment is a drastic and exhausting treatment. For you, but also for the other patients in your room. We therefore ensure as much rest as possible during the dialysis treatment. We have limited visiting times on our ward, the nurse can tell you more about this.

  • You may bring visitors with you during your first three dialysis treatments.
  • You can discuss with your primary nurse whether you can receive visitors in exceptional circumstances and when. This appointment is recorded in your patient file.
  • Does your patient file not state that you are allowed to bring visitors with you? Then the nurse will not allow this.

Are you allowed to receive visitors as an exception? Then the following agreements apply:

  • There should be no visitors when connecting and disconnecting the dialysis machine. Your visitors can wait in the waiting area while connecting.
  • Your visitor will sit next to you during the dialysis treatment.
  • You take the other patients into account together.
  • Your visit will follow the instructions of the nurses or other employees of the dialysis center.

Isala has general rules for you as a patient, your visitors and for the care providers: the rights and obligations. These rules also apply to the Dialysis Centre.

The rules ensure that we can inform you properly and treat you safely. Rights and obligations are often based on legal guidelines. We have described the rules in the folder Rights and obligations. You can read the brochures on the Isala website. We briefly summarize these rights and obligations.


  • Everyone is welcome in Isala, regardless of age, gender, race, origin, religion, sexual orientation or disability.
  • You have the right to know who your primary practitioner is and the other doctors, nurses and other care providers who treat or care for you.
  • You have the right to understandable information about your examination or treatment.


  • You provide the correct information about:
    oh who you are
    o what medicines you are taking
    o with which health insurer you are insured
  • You are open and honest with your doctor.
  • You treat all hospital staff with respect.
  • You keep your agreements.
  • Photographing/filming or making sound recordings? Ask everyone for permission. Also to fellow patients.

Although the employees in our dialysis center do everything they can to make you feel comfortable, it is possible that you have a complaint. The fastest solution is to discuss the complaint directly with the person who, in your opinion, caused the complaint. If you cannot reach an agreement with this person, you can ask for the responsible manager. In many cases a solution to your complaint can be found in this way.

If you cannot come to a solution together, you can ask the complaints officer for help.

If you have suggestions for improving our care, please complete an improvement form and put it in the improvement box. Both the improvement forms and the improvement bus can be found in the waiting room. We will of course let you know what is done with your idea. We always appreciate a compliment. We also learn from that.

Do you have questions? Please contact us.


088 624 43 28 (available Monday to Friday from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.)

We are available 24 hours a day for medical emergencies related to your dialysis treatment. Call the central number of Isala 088 – 624 50 00 outside office hours and on weekends. In that case, ask for the nurse on duty at the Hemodialysis.

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