in the National Assembly, the opposition takes a stand

by time news

Jean-Luc Mélenchon started his day early, Tuesday July 5th. In the morning, the former “rebellious” deputy from Bouches-du-Rhône passed by rue de l’Université, in Paris. In the buildings of the National Assembly, the intergroup of the New People’s Ecological and Social Union (Nupes) discussed the subject of the day: the motion of censure announced the day before by La France insoumise (LFI) to disavow the government of Elisabeth Thick headed.

The leader of the “rebellious” did not get involved. Not directly, at least. On the other hand, he came among his people, half an hour later, for a situation report, a reminder almost. “We are the opposition. Opposition exists by opposing, he launched in front of the LFI deputies. No question, therefore, of missing the opportunity offered by Elisabeth Borne’s general policy speech or of letting the Prime Minister’s refusal to seek the confidence of deputies pass.

Read also: Article reserved for our subscribers What prompted Elisabeth Borne to give up a vote of confidence in the National Assembly

From the day before and the announcement of the new government, the will of the “rebellious” to bring a motion of censure was clear. With 75 deputies, they could file it alone, the number of signatures required being fixed at 58 elected officials. “Madame Borne, we do not mistreat democracy with impunity. We will therefore bring you by force before the Parliament. From this Wednesday, we will table a motion of censure.had launched Mathilde Panot, the president of the LFI group at the National Assembly, Monday afternoon.

The other Nupes partners remained silent for the most part. Others, like the socialist deputy Valérie Rabault, had marked their difference – “I am not in favor of it”had thus said the elected official of Tarn-et-Garonne on LCP. “Censure motions, when they are not voted on, de facto, give legitimacy to the government in place”, she thought.

Avoid the image of systematic opposition

All day, Tuesday, the Communist, Socialist and Ecologist deputies stalled. On the one hand, in order to amend the motion of censure so that it is also compatible with their political position, on the other, to display harmony and minimize disagreements.

At the end of the meeting of the group of the Democratic and Republican Left (GDR), the deputy (French Communist Party) of Seine-Maritime Sébastien Jumel announced that he was « fort probable » that his group sign this motion. And to add: “We will probably wait for the Prime Minister to speak. » This is one of the issues in the discussion, for the socialists too. Waiting for the end of the general policy speech to table the motion is to avoid the image of systematic opposition, they believe.

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