Current corona vaccine less and less effective

by time news
Health6 jul ’22 08:27Auteur: Jasper Daams

The current corona vaccine protects less and less well against the virus. This is reported by the RIVM. People who have only had a first and second injection are much less well protected after a year. The virus is now on the rise again, and we have arrived at Omikron BA4 and BA5. That is why an adapted version of the vaccine must be launched on the market quickly, says Ab Osterhaus in conversation with BNR.

Still, the current vaccine has not failed, according to the virologist. ‘We have prevented a lot of misery with this vaccine, and people are still well protected against hospitalization. Yet it is now becoming increasingly difficult with a vaccine that is a year old. We also see this with influenza, for which a new vaccine is launched every two years.’

Osterhaus is concerned about the development of the virus. “I think we’re going to be behind the times. The virus hides under built-up antibodies, so it is important that we adapt the vaccine as soon as possible. If a new wave comes by the autumn, an adapted vaccine is really a must. Especially because the coronavirus is adapting so quickly.’

Adapted vaccine

The pharmaceutical industry is currently working hard on a new vaccine. ‘We know that the well-known manufacturers are adapting their vaccines. A lot of work is being done on it, but in principle every variation of a vaccine must first be approved before it comes on the market.’ So it seems it will be a while before the new vaccines are available.

Currently, the older vaccines are still used on a small scale. What remains is thrown away. As far as Osterhaus is concerned, it is good that the old vaccines are still being used. ‘To be clear, people who are now being advised to take these vaccines should definitely do so. What to do with the leftover vaccines, bad luck.’

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