“I ask you to be judged on the acts”, says Elisabeth Borne to the oppositions

by time news

Elisabeth Borne speaks again at the National Assembly

“The debate was rich, nourished, sometimes balanced, sometimes a little caricatural”, declares Elisabeth Borne after having heard the comments of the political groups of the Assembly on her declaration of general policy.

“All the same, I detected a few points of convergence on the concerns of the French: the protection of purchasing power, concern for our planet, the desire to improve the presence of our public services, particularly in our neighborhoods and in the countryside »she continues. “I hear that we often start from the same starting point, but that we can diverge on the point of arrival. It’s called democratic debate, it doesn’t scare me, and I even find it exciting.”assure Mme Borne.

To Marine Le Pen (RN), she says she listened well to her criticisms, but asks: “Where are your proposals? In any case (…), we find your obsessions. » To Mathilde Panot (LFI), she assures that “the price freeze or the minimum wage at 1,500 euros (…)it is the assured bankruptcy for the country”.

“I pronounced before you, a few moments ago, the words of dialogue, consultation, social partners. And you would like to describe us as a contemptuous bulldozer for the expectations and fears of our fellow citizens? »asks Elisabeth Borne to her opponents.

Rejecting the ” trial of intent “the Prime Minister finally evokes the motion of censure tabled by La France insoumise earlier in the day. “You will seek to censor a government that begins its work with a few principles that I have recalled: purchasing power, valuation of work, ecological transition, equal opportunity, sovereignty”, she pretends to be surprised. Calling for the construction of “action majorities”the Prime Minister concludes with a few simple words: “I ask you to be judged on deeds. »

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