energy worries, the “yes” to nuclear power is also growing in our country-

by time news
from Stefano Montefiori

Industry, migrants, rivalry: a survey measures the current relations between the two countries

PARIS – Despite the closeness, the common history, the affection and sometimes the rivalry, Italians and French still have to learn about each other, in particular as regards their respective economies. The investigation indicates this Italy and France: what industrial prospects in Europe?made by Ipsos under the direction of Professor Marc Lazar. The research will be presented today at the Edison headquarters in Milan as part of the Italian-French Dialogues for Europe (Luiss Guido Carli University – Sciences Po – The European House Ambrosetti).

The Treaty of the Quirinale for enhanced bilateral cooperation between Italy and France
signed in Rome last November, was ratified three days ago by the Italian Senate and yours roadmap accompanying mentions i Italian-French dialogues as a tool to promote relations between the two countries. So, in the meantime, the research reveals that the Treaty is still little known, especially in France: 77% of the French and 59% of the Italians ignore its existence.

The encouraging aspect that, once the Treaty and its aims are known, 70% of Italians and 65% of French are very much in favor of developing bilateral relations. Although there remains the concern that the privileged relationship between Italy and France could represent an obstacle to the wider integration process of the Europe of the 27.

As for the collaboration to come, the Italians put energy policies first, the French the management of migratory flows.

The priority given by the Italians to all‘energy also evident in the question of the consequences of war in Ukraine on the energy market: they are stronger in Italy than in other European countries according to the majority of Italians, while only 23% of the French think that France is more affected.

This leads us to another interesting answer, the one on nuclear power – says Nando Pagnoncelli, CEO of Ipsos -. Current power plants are safe and one has to invest in this type of energy for 44% of Italians, more than those who continue to consider them insecure. The Italians seem ready to re-evaluate nuclear power, which has been used in France for decades.

The research then indicates the persistence of a certain feeling of one-way rivalry, felt by Italians towards the French – says Pagnoncelli – and a limited knowledge, even among graduates, of the economic structure of the two countries: it is believed that agriculture and industry are preponderant, when the tertiary sector contributes more to the GDP of Italy and France.

July 7, 2022 (change July 7, 2022 | 00:06)

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