Brittle bones after breast cancer treatment: how to protect and nourish them

by time news

“The data show that one in four women with breast cancer suffers the consequences of bone fragility induced by hormonal therapies with aromatase inhibitors – says Rosanna D’Antona, president of Europa Donna Italia, which launched the 4th edition of the Ora campaign. pOsso, dedicated to improving knowledge and prevention of this problem and carried out in collaboration with FIRMO and Amgen, with the support of Acqua Uliveto -. A recent survey of ours has shown that 97% of the patients interviewed are aware of the danger of fragile bones, but a little less (83%) have carried out specific examinations. However, only 55% have been prescribed specific treatment to prevent the risk of fractures and a few more (58%) follow a diet aimed at strengthening the skeleton, aware of the important role that nutrition can play ». On the website dedicated to the initiative and on the Facebook page @EuropaDonnaItalia it is possible to find practical information, useful and direct materials to investigate doubts with specialists.

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