the call for compromises does not convince the opposition

by time news

A fully inflated hemicycle, a few boos and invectives, for a speech focused on the ” compromise “ : it was the atmosphere of the great days Wednesday, July 6 at the National Assembly, for the declaration of general policy of Elisabeth Borne.

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In line with the intervention of the Prime Minister, the leader of the Renaissance deputies, Aurore Bergé, demanded, in particular thanks to “a culture of compromise”, “fewer laws, better written, better negotiated, better evaluated”.

Laurent Marcangeli, president of the majority member group Horizons, spoke of a “major turning point in our way of legislating” after the legislative. “No, France has not become ungovernable” after the ballot which made the presidential camp lose the absolute majority in the Hemicycle, thinks Mr. Marcangeli, and to insist: “We will make this new configuration a strength. »

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Boris Vallaud, the president of the socialist group, spoke to him for a moment “disturbing”. “The French no longer trust you and they no longer trust the President of the Republic whose program they do not wanthe estimated. We will not join you in setting up a program with liberal projects that are not ours and for which the voters did not designate us. »

” Run for your life “

The president of the deputies of the National Rally (RN), Marine Le Pen, estimated that the government’s situation was ” out of control “ and the retention of Elisabeth Borne in her position “political provocation”. “The president acts as if nothing had happened” after the legislative elections, however “it’s the return of politics that jumps out at him, it’s a great political moment”launched the presidential finalist from the podium of the National Assembly.

Mathilde Panot, president of the group La France insoumise, criticized the Prime Minister for her “save-it-can strategy” in the absence of a vote of confidence, and “compromises” of the majority with the RN. “A vote of confidence was needed. But you chose to flee (…). Your strategy now is “save-it-can”. And you are ready for anything. Never compromise but all compromises”launched the leader of the seventy-five “rebellious” deputies.

The president of the deputies Les Républicains (LR), Olivier Marleix, assured that his group would not engage in any “compromise” with the executive but would not cause either “sterile blocking” in the National Assembly. Responding to Elisabeth Borne’s keynote speech, Mr. Marleix declared that he did not want the “little soup” politician, while remaining open to support on certain texts.

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The commitment of the executive judged “on documents”

The co-president of the Ecologist group, Cyrielle Chatelain, spoke for five minutes, in particular to denounce the climate emergency and deplore “the burial of the Citizen’s Climate Convention, a historic error”. “Don’t be afraid of democracy, don’t be afraid of this Assembly. Trust the French men and women who are already showing the beginnings of another attention to the living, another attention to the world and to others.insisted the environmentalist.

“Seize this opportunity to advance democracy”launched Julien Bayou. And the co-president of the group of ecologists to continue: “We owe you the presence on these benches of ninety far-right deputies”, “you who did not want to choose [au second tour des législatives] between our candidates and the eternal adversaries of the Republic”. “It is an extremely serious fault”he attacked.

The chairman of the group of deputies of the Democratic and Republican Left, André Chassaigne, says he sees, in the results of the legislative elections, the “rout” of the Head of State, which “is not an accident of course”but rather the demonstration that “the presidential hypertrophy has had its day”. His majority in the Assembly having become very relative, Emmanuel Macron “has no mandate to impose its political agenda”according to Mr. Chassaigne, who welcomes this: “The time is no longer for the solitary exercise of power (…), to the passage in force, to the humiliation of Parliament (…). Democracy finally finds colors. »

Bertrand Pancher, the president of the Freedoms, Independents, Overseas and Territories (LIOT) group, defended that “The Republic is not the Parisian Republic, it is the Republic of the territories”and warned that he and his group “will judge” executive commitment “on parts”.

Nicolas Dupont-Aignan, the deputy for Essonne, on behalf of the non-attached deputies, felt that the government had not “heard the message of the ballot boxes of June 19”. However, it was an opportunity for them to have a “historic opportunity to listen, to hear, to propose a new course”.

“The Great Cabaret”

Critics also emerged in the afternoon, after the Prime Minister’s speech. Raphaël Schellenberger, LR side, mocks one “roadmap of commonplaces”. Same story at Nupes: “We will do better. How ? By changing nothing but together”quips the socialist Olivier Faure. “Allegory of Boredom”for the “rebellious” François Ruffin.

With France Work, “France is saved”, ironically on Twitter Jean-Philippe Tanguy (RN), while Julien Odoul castigates “an insipid, disconnected Macronie” on the same social network.

“Besides what we are currently undergoing, [Jean] Castex was a fiery orator! Pity !! »says on the form the “rebellious” Alexis Corbière, who observes a “storm of truisms”. The communist Fabien Roussel sees him, “a red line crossed” on pensions, when Mme Borne tells the French that they will have to “working gradually a little longer”.

The elected Karl Olive (Renaissance) retorts that“It took less than eight minutes for the artists of LFI to confuse the National Assembly with Patrick Sébastien’s “Le Grand Cabaret””. Other walkers are moved by a lack of « respect des institutions ».

Opposite the Palais-Bourbon, “rebellious” activists organized a small happening at midday on Wednesday with a fictitious wedding ceremony between Emmanuel Macron and Marine Le Pen, to denounce “the burial of the republican front”.

On July 6, 2022, rebellious activists organized a small happening with a fictitious wedding ceremony between Emmanuel Macron and Marine Le Pen, to denounce
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The World with AFP

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