This is how the world looked 150 years ago • A fascinating gallery

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Welcome back to the ‘world of the soul’. This week, too, we have arranged for you, history lovers, a fascinating gallery focusing on one theme: the world one hundred and fifty years ago.

In those days, on the one hand the world was in a momentum of development and modernization from all spheres, and on the other hand it was also full of bloody wars like the one between Prussia and France.

The field of photography began to develop only a few decades earlier, but photographers began to appear everywhere and even in distant lands, documenting moments and phenomena for future generations. Delegations of diplomats and scientists also began touring the world and learning more about distant cultures.

All the pictures you see here were taken in the years 1871-1872, one hundred and fifty years ago. We tried to diversify with documentation of different types and places, and as usual – provide a short and exhaustive description of each image.

Local traders in the market. Samarkand, Uzbekistan


A Jew who made a living from jewelry.  Kamnitz-Podolsk (now in Ukraine)

A Jew who made a living from jewelry. Kamnitz-Podolsk (now in Ukraine)


Straight from Hechtkopf's paintings: Peasants eat their hearts out.  Simbirsk Oblast, Russian Empire

Straight from Hechtkopf’s paintings: Peasants eat their hearts out. Simbirsk Oblast, Russian Empire


Residents sail in a bamboo boat.  Formosa (a short-lived kingdom in Taiwan)

Residents sail in a bamboo boat. Formosa (a short-lived kingdom in Taiwan)


Results of a huge fire that broke out in the city of Boston, Massachusetts.  To this day, it is considered one of the most destructive in the United States

Results of a huge fire that broke out in the city of Boston, Massachusetts. To this day, it is considered one of the most destructive in the United States


Fire in Moscow, Russia.  Pay attention to the carts carrying water barrels

Fire in Moscow, Russia. Pay attention to the carts carrying water barrels

The eruption of the powerful volcano Vesuvius near Naples, Italy, which erupted into two Roman cities in 79 AD

The eruption of the powerful volcano Vesuvius near Naples, Italy. Its first eruption, in 79 AD, obscured two Roman cities (discovered later in their entirety underground)


The remnants of lava from the eruption of the volcano Vesuvius.  Naples, Italy

The remnants of lava from the eruption of the volcano Vesuvius. Naples, Italy

'Fishing party'.  Formosa (a short-lived kingdom in Taiwan)

‘Fishing party’. Formosa (a short-lived kingdom in Taiwan)


A delegation from Austria to the North Pole, in a group photo in Melville Bay, Greenland

A delegation from Austria to the North Pole, in a group photo in Melville Bay, Greenland


Ontario's first parliament in Canada.  Taken using the 'complex photography' method (combining several images into one image) developed at the time

Ontario’s first parliament in Canada. Taken using the ‘complex photography’ method (combining several images into one image) developed at the time


A wedding photo at the castle of Robert Thompson Crouchy, a wealthy British industrialist whose daughter got married

A wedding photo at the castle of Robert Thompson Crouchy, a wealthy British industrialist whose daughter got married


A family of Native Americans ('Indians') near a grass tent.  Idaho, USA

A family of Native Americans (‘Indians’) near a grass tent. Idaho, USA


In Neot Desha: Politicians photographed with Eyal Kora, during a vacation in Tahlhof, Austria

In Neot Desha: Politicians photographed with Eyal Kora, during a vacation in Tahlhof, Austria


A man is photographed next to the huge block of gold he found, weighing about 200 kg

A man is photographed next to a huge lump of gold he found, weighing about 200 kg


Typical tooth extraction: The dentist and his assistant give in the head

Typical tooth extraction: The dentist and his assistant give in the head


A woman who tried to vote in the election was removed from the ballot box and dropped to the ground by police.  UK

The first woman to try to vote in the election, which was then allowed only to men, was removed from the ballot box and thrown to the ground by police. UK


Dina Snitcher, a man raised by wolves in the jungles of India, discovered there in 1872

Dina Snitcher, a man raised by wolves in the jungles of India, discovered there in 1872


Tartar soldiers.  The Tartars conquered China in 1644 and have since been considered a barbaric people who have wreaked havoc on the country

Tartar soldiers. The Tartars conquered China in 1644 and have since been considered a barbaric people who have wreaked havoc on the country


A girl plays 'Mother in the laundry room'.  Cain, New Hampshire, USA

A girl plays ‘Mother in the laundry room’. Cain, New Hampshire, USA

Construction of a northwest railway station.  Vienna, Austria

Construction of a northwest railway station. Vienna, Austria


New train locomotive, stationed outside Baldwin locomotive plant in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA

New train locomotive, stationed outside Baldwin Locomotive Factory in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA


Governor of Nemosi District in Fiji State, and alongside him his personal servant

Governor of Nemosi District in Fiji State, and alongside him his personal servant

Pedro II, Emperor of Brazil, visits with his entourage the pyramids in Egypt

Pedro II, Emperor of Brazil, visits with his entourage the pyramids in Egypt

A family of Native Americans ('Indians') near a grass tent.  Idaho, USA

A family of Native Americans (‘Indians’) near a grass tent. Idaho, USA

The 32nd Emperor of Japan, Motsuhito

The 32nd Emperor of Japan, Motsuhito

The team in charge of the great Japanese exhibition 'Yoshima Saidou', which was also visited by Emperor Motsuhito

The team in charge of the great Japanese exhibition ‘Yoshima Saidou’, which was also visited by Emperor Motsuhito


Members of a Japanese delegation, who came to America to maintain diplomatic and technological relations.  San Francisco, California, USA

Members of a Japanese delegation, who came to America to maintain diplomatic and technological relations. San Francisco, California, USA

George V (later King of Britain), cousin Nicholas II (later Russian Tsar), and Edward VII (later King of Britain) as children

George V (later King of Britain), cousin Nicholas II (later Russian Tsar), and Edward VII (later King of Britain) as children

A classroom in a school.  New England Area, USA

A classroom in a school. New England Area, USA

Indigenous people go on a hunting trip.  Formosa (a short-lived kingdom in Taiwan)

Indigenous people go on a hunting trip. Formosa (a short-lived kingdom in Taiwan)

Artillery Park - a hill in Montmartre, Paris, where heavy machine guns were concentrated in the Prussian-French War

Artillery Park – a hill in Montmartre, Paris, where heavy machine guns were concentrated in the Prussian-French War

Prussian forces in the Place de la Concorde in Paris after invading the city

Prussian forces in the Place de la Concorde in Paris after invading the city

After the victory over France: Prussian forces march in Paris

After the victory over France: Prussian forces march in Paris

Victory gate in Frankfurt, Germany, after the Prussians defeated France.

A victory gate in Frankfurt, Germany, after the Prussians defeated France.


The huge tower with a statue of Napoleon, minutes before its overthrow.  Paris France

The huge tower with the statue of Napoleon III, minutes before its overthrow. Paris France

Vendome Square after the fall of the huge tower with a statue of Napoleon.  Paris France

Vendome Square after the fall of the huge tower with a statue of Napoleon. Paris France

Statue of Napoleon in the square Vendome after its overthrow.  Paris France

Statue of Napoleon in the square Vendome after its overthrow. Paris France

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