The RN stages, in the National Assembly, a wise but protesting opposition

by time news

They almost didn’t scream. While Elisabeth Borne unrolled her general policy statement, on Wednesday July 6, most of the 89 deputies of the National Rally (RN) remained stoic, accentuating the contrast with the boos emanating from the ranks of La France insoumise (LFI ) and the applause of the presidential coalition. The objective of the extreme right party, in the process of being institutionalized, was to offer as the first image in the Hemicycle that of a serious and disciplined group. And embody this « opposition constructive »with blurred outlines, who hardly allows himself a few sarcasms and sneers.

“It’s not a decibel contest, the French don’t care who shouted the most against Mme Borne », sweeps away Jean-Philippe Tanguy, number two in the group. When the Prime Minister mentioned the pension reform, the RN deputies let the left protest loudly. The announcement of the deconjugalization of the allowance for disabled adults (AAH) caused a “ola” of satisfaction. ” It’s us ! », claimed Sébastien Chenu. The tribute to the police, the gendarmes and the soldiers drew their applause. Only the mention of caregivers set off their whistles against the suspension of staff for non-vaccination, albeit quickly covered by sharp « hypocrites ! »chanted by the “rebellious”.

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The signs of opposition were elsewhere. When Aurore Bergé, president of the Renaissance group, took the floor, Marine Le Pen left the Hemicycle with almost all of her delegation. With, as a setback, that the populist leader, once back, began her speech when half of her group had not found their seats. “We do not wish to be an opposition of obstruction but of proposal”, she argued at the podium. Before multiplying, in a virulent tone, criticism of the head of state.

“A political provocation”

“He stages himself as the savior of the world as if the exercise of power had to be reduced to a Netflix trailer”she attacked, castigating “an irremediably narcissistic power”. The legislative elections are interpreted, for her, as “a great political moment of rebalancing the regime, which she personifies against Emmanuel Macron. “It’s a return to politics that jumps out at himshe scratched. The mischievous people responded to his call to come get him, and with the oars offered by democracy, put him back in his place. What did the people say? “We want to force you not to govern alone.” »

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