The impact of Western weapons and the “pause” of the Russian Army –

by time news
from Andrea Marinelli and Guido Olimpio

Himars systems supplied to Ukraine show their usefulness. Meanwhile, after the advance into the Donbass, the Russians take a breath and reinforce the contingents in the Black Sea

For the first time in weeks President Volodymyr Zelensky underlines how the new weapons sent by NATO have a greater impact on the ground. More and more of them have arrived, starting with a dozen Himars long-range rocket launchers.

With these systems, his troops successfully targeted railways, communication lines, but above all depots. And, according to intelligence sources, in the region of Zaporizhzhia the fears of the invaders as well as their sympathizers would have increased due to the effect of the blows suffered. How much is due only to the Himars – always few compared to the 300 invoked – or to the artillery it is difficult to say, certainly Kiev wants to reiterate that the availability of adequate war material can have an impact.

The experts recognize the importance of the apparatuses, highlight how the resistance had to face gigantic logistical problems because it obtained means of different origin and type (seven models only for the guns), then others that required a specific training to be conducted while Russia pressed hard in the Donbass. Now the Ukrainians are adapting, they need time and also allies must be able to have greater coordination to ensure sufficient supplies. Aid must be increasingly targeted in order to be able to withstand the upcoming challenges.

Perhaps the Moscow units have decided to take a breather after the successes on the Severodonetsk-Lysychansk axis. Western analysts noted a possible operational pause: there are armored vehicles to be repaired, platoons to be rebuilt, replacements to be added. Where possible, the General Staff relies on trains – irreplaceable for the Army -, on parallel mobilization, on the displacement of some Battalions. This certainly does not mean a respite. There have been operations – some blocked by the defenders -, possible maneuvers to prepare for a massive assault on Sloviansk, bombing from afar, attacks with missiles and fighters. The Island of the Snakes is targeted after the Ukrainians returned to hoist their flag with a message of challenge addressed to the adversary. Moscow, which was forced to abound the spur in the Black Sea, claims to have killed several soldiers. Meanwhile, you have increased the naval task force in the northern sector, on board at least 45 cruises.

To close a strategic news. A NASA study has established that 22 percent of Ukraine’s arable land is now in the hands of Russia. A control that is added to that exercised along the coastal strip by blocking the export of wheat so fundamental for the economy of Kiev.

July 7, 2022 (change July 7, 2022 | 18:44)

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