Fuel, food checks, rents … What the government offers for purchasing power

by time news

The executive unveiled, after a council of ministers, a series of measures to support households hit by inflation. Le Figaro make the point.

20 billion euros forcontinue to protect the French»: the government is doing its utmost to deal with soaring inflation, which reached 5.8% over one year in June. This Thursday, during a council of ministers, the executive presented the details of its measures aimed at relieving the portfolio of households. Le Figaro sums up this package for you”purchasing power», divided between several texts and decrees.

Overall, the overall cost of the measures is estimated, for 2022, at 20 billion euros. The executive expects a limited effect on public finances, assuming that this additional spending will be offset by rising revenues by the end of the year. “The package is fully funded“, we assure the government. Published this Thursday, an opinion from the High Council of Public Finances was more doubtful…

While INSEE is counting on a decline in household purchasing power of 1.5% this year, the executive considers that all the measures put on the table for several months will make it possible to reverse the trend by making “increase purchasing power by 0.5% per consumption unit“. Either a leap of “3 points more purchasing power compared to a situation without government action».

This government proposal will be presented to the National Assembly on Monday, July 18. In accordance with the words of Elisabeth Borne on Wednesday, the executive says it remains open to proposals from the opposition to amend the texts: “incentives to work more, especially overtime, are attractive», cite-t-on in exemple.

Energy: extension of the tariff shield

Put in place last October, the shield on gas and electricity prices will be extended until the end of the year. Without him, the gas bill could have jumped 50% in July compared to October, and that of electricity by 35%. This year, this measure should cost 14.5 billion euros, according to Bercy.

SEE ALSO – Purchasing power: the energy shield maintained until the end of 2022

Fuels: an extended discount and a measure for workers

While prices at the pump have soared, the executive will extend the discount from fifteen to eighteen cents per liter until the end of September. It will then gradually die out, dropping to twelve centimes in October, six in November, before disappearing on December 1.

At the same time, the government is proposing the creation of a “fuel allowancefor workers. It concerns employees, apprentices, public or self-employed agents and will be paid subject to means testing. The first five deciles are eligible, i.e. eleven million people: it amounts to 200 euros for deciles 1 to 3, i.e. declaring a reference tax income of less than 8,400 euros per unit and 100 euros for people declaring an income tax between 9,400 and 14,100 euros. A bonus is granted to big rollers, who “live more than 30 kilometers from their place of work or travel more than 12,000 kilometers per year for work»: it reaches 100 euros for the first three deciles and 50 euros for the next two.

The indemnity may be paid in one go,from octoberhopes the government: you will have to request it online on the DGFIP website to receive it directly in your bank account.

SEE ALSO – Purchasing power: the fuel discount replaced by a “worker’s allowance”

Housing: arent shield” put in place

Two main measures relate to housing. First, as previously announced, the benchmark rent index, which is used to calculate rent increases, will be capped for one year at 3.5% between October 1, 2022 and October 1, 2023. Rent increases cannot exceed this figure. The executive hopes that landlords will contribute to the collective effort, avoiding increasing rents to the level of the maximum indicated.

Then, the personalized housing aid will be revalued by the same level, on July 1, in anticipation of the increases planned for next October and January. 5.8 million households will be affected, including 800,000 students, for a total cost of 169 million euros.

Revaluation of pensions, social minima, family benefits

The executive wishes to review the schedule of increases in social benefits and pensions, which take place, in principle, in January or April. “The very sharp rise in prices observed since the beginning of the year justifies anticipating this annual revaluation as of now.It is estimated.

In concrete terms, this means that social rights and benefits will increase by 4% from July. This particularly concerns retirees, beneficiaries of the RSA, the AAH, a disability pension, the minimum old age or beneficiaries of family benefits.

A “exceptional help» back to school

Le «food checkloses its name but not its substance. The executive thus wants to vote for a “exceptional help» in the amount of 100 euros, to which would be added 50 euros per dependent child. Automatically paid in September, it would concern 8 million low-income households benefiting from social minima such as the RSA or the AAH and scholarship students.

This device envisaged by the citizen’s convention for the climate was taken up but largely modulated by the government. Supposed to provide access to healthy food for low-income families, it has constantly been pushed back before adopting its current form: that of occasional aid.

The point of index of civil servants raised

As announced for several weeks, the government plans to thaw the index point for civil servants, which will increase by 3.5% from July 1. This index had not been revalued since 2016.

For the State, this measure represents a cost of 7.47 billion euros. It will concern the civil and military personnel of the State, the magistrates, the personnel of the territorial collectivities and the agents of the public hospital service. By way of example, a peacekeeper with fifteen years of seniority will earn 822 euros more per year, against 744 euros for a school teacher with seven years of seniority, according to the figures of the authorities.

SEE ALSO – Purchasing power: civil servants increased by 3.5%, announces Olivier Véran

The “prime Macron» renewed and strengthened

Companies will be free to pay a premium exempt from social security contributions (known asprime Macron”) for a maximum amount of 3,000 euros, or even 6,000 euros if the company has a profit-sharing plan.

This bonus will also be exempt from CSG-CRDS and income tax until the end of 2023, if it is paid to employees earning less than three times the minimum wage. This time limit was set following discussions with the Council of State, to avoid seeing it replace salary increases, it is said.

Several million French people are potentially concerned: 8.3 billion euros ofprime Macron“have been paid since 2019 to 15.3 million workers, for an average amount of 542 euros, according to the government.

An early revaluation of the activity bonus

The government also wants to increase the amount of the activity bonus, which would benefit from a 4% increase from July 2022. This had already increased by 1.8% last April. This measure will benefit 4.5 million households and will cost 280 million euros.

Lower social security contributions for the self-employed

The government wants to reduce the contributions weighing on the self-employed earning a net activity income close to the minimum wage. The reduction will be effective “from the end of the yearand will cost 500 million euros per year.

Incentive: measures for workers

The Purchasing Power bill proposes to strengthen profit-sharing to improve the sharing of value. Two measures have been put forward: extending the maximum duration of agreements from three to five years and allowing small businesses with fewer than fifty employees to unilaterally set up a profit-sharing agreement, in the event of failure of negotiations or in the absence of staff representatives.

Specific decisions for students

In addition to the revaluation of the APL and the food voucher, the students will be able to benefit from a revaluation of 4% of the grants awarded on social criteria. This will be ratified by a decree and financed by appropriations opened in the finance law. In addition, the 1 euro meal plan will be maintained throughout the 2022-2023 academic year.

SEE ALSO – Purchasing power: student grants increased by 4%

The abolition of the audiovisual license fee confirmed

Announced by Emmanuel Macron during the presidential campaign, the audiovisual license fee will be abolished this year. This measure concerns 23 million households: it will represent an annual saving of 138 euros per household in mainland France and 88 euros overseas. Professionals are also affected by this development. Please note that the amounts already withdrawn for 2022 will be reimbursed. The government promises to ensure the financing of public audiovisual companies.

Allow easy unsubscription to online services

Expenses “pre-committed» of which subscriptions are a part weigh more and more heavily in the budget of the French (going from 27% to 32% of expenditure between 2001 and 2017 according to France Strategies). The government now wants to make it easier to unsubscribe from online services – telephony, internet, press… If this measure is passed, all these services must be able to be canceled via a “easy and direct access terminationonline, starting in early 2023.

At the same time, the government wants to strengthen the sanctions against scams and “aggressive business practices”, concerning for example the personal training account or thermal renovation services, which are often the subject of this type of practice.

SEE ALSO – Elisabeth Borne: what should we retain from the general policy discourse?

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