Health insurance aims to save more than a billion in 2023

by time news

A dose of prevention and classic tightening of bolts, on fraud or antibiotics: Health Insurance presented Thursday 30 measures to curb its spending to the tune of 1.2 billion euros next year.

Still not out of Covid-19, the National Health Insurance Fund (Cnam) maintains a savings target half the 2 billion targeted each year before the health crisis, out of a total of around 230 billion in expenditure.

Good for prevention

A sign of the executive’s new priorities, its traditional report “Expenses and products” for 2023 gives pride of place to prevention, now attached to the title of the Ministry of Health. The Cnam places particular emphasis on heart failure, with a general public information campaign on “warning signs” from the end of September and the desire to generalize remote monitoring to the 300,000 most “severe” patients. .

Other proposals echo Emmanuel Macron’s campaign promises, such as the “systematic identification of visual and language disorders for all 3-year-old children”. The re-elected Head of State had mentioned “early detection of development gaps” without specifying at what age. These new “by pathology” or “population-based” approaches, however, only represent a minority (160 million euros) of the projected savings.

Tight serial negotiations

The big piece targets as usual drugs (fewer antibiotics, more biosimilars), medical devices (sleep apnea, dressings), work stoppages, medical transport and various frauds.

Health Insurance also lays down a few milestones before a series of tight negotiations. The “high” margins of biological analysis laboratories, boosted by the health crisis, are thus put forward to justify a renegotiation of prices at the start of the school year. Same timetable and same method for dentists: wishing to extend “100% health” to orthodontics, the Cnam highlights the overruns in fees and the income of the professionals concerned.

Ditto for doctors, who will have to overhaul their agreement with Social Security: their income, but above all the growing cost of their prescriptions are analyzed in detail. The Fund is however ready to grant them an extension to pay more medical assistants and solve the problem of the 6 million insured without a doctor.

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