Shortage of patients with pneumonia in VGO III

by time news

So far, 50 patients with pneumonia have been found for the patient study within the third phase of the Livestock Health Survey (VGO III), while the target number is 800 by the end of this year. This may have consequences for the conclusions in the overall final report of the investigation. This is what Minister Staghouwer of LNV writes in a letter to the House of Representatives.

The studies already carried out within the VGO program show a consistent, demonstrable link between living in the vicinity of a goat farm and an increased risk of contracting pneumonia. There are currently 3 follow-up studies within the VGO-III program being carried out into the cause of this association.

Research is being carried out at goat farmers and on goat farms. In addition, there is a patient study in which patients who visit their GP with pneumonia are examined to determine which pathogen has caused the pneumonia. The progress of these follow-up studies has been seriously delayed due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

It was expected that the number of patients with pneumonia at the GP would increase again during the past winter/flu season. By the end of 2022, it is estimated that only a maximum of 100 to 150 patients will be examined, whereby the findings can be used in the study.

The researchers explored alternative strategies to leverage data from more patients, but these options proved infeasible or would not yield useful data. Because the target number of 800 patients has not been achieved, it is less certain whether there are different causative agents of pneumonia in people who live near and further away from a goat farm. It is not yet clear what consequences this could have for the conclusions in the final report.

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