Risks of anti-Covid vaccination: BonSens alerts parliamentarians

by time news

A bill will be presented soon for the “provisional maintenance of a monitoring and health security system in the fight against Covid-19”. In anticipation, the BonSens.org association has decided to send a letter to French senators and deputies. Published on July 7, it aims to alert on the fundamental points relating to anti-Covid vaccination.

Find the full BonSens press release published on July 7, 2022 (PDF)

The citizen collective BonSens.org — of which Xavier Azalbert, publication director of FranceSoir, is a director — had already alerted the members of the national representation in July 2021, “via an information letter including official sources”.

This did not prevent the government from making decisions that were controversial to say the least. Among them, the obligation to vaccinate for health professionals and the establishment of the health pass, then vaccination, appear to be the most dissuasive points.

In January 2022, BonSens had already filed a criminal complaint against the members of the Joint Joint Commission “following the vote that approved the bill on August 5, 2021”, deploring that this law was adopted despite their warnings. Deputies and senators “were duly informed as part of their decisions and votes on matters relating to Covid-19 vaccination”.

Since then, the health and scientific framework has evolved. Also the latest press release from BonSens wants to demonstrate that there is no “no scientific consensus in favor of mass vaccination, nor in favor of a benefit/risk balance which would necessarily be favorable”. To this end, the citizen collective offers a summary of “loyal documented information on vaccination with Pfizer and Moderna products in the general population”.

Contrary to what has been claimed by vaccine manufacturers, “taken in chorus by Mr. Olivier Véran and his collaborators”several post-vaccination risks should be noted:

  • Risks to fertility;
  • Risks to the human genome;
  • Heart risks;
  • Ineffectiveness of Covid vaccines on infection and on mortality with the Omicron variant;
  • A risk of aggravation of the infection by vaccines, including antibody-dependent aggravation (ADE);
  • The benefit/risk of vaccinations against covid-19 for children and adolescents;
  • The benefit/risk of vaccinations against Covid-19 for pregnant women;
  • Pfizer clinical trials that are invalid;
  • Undesirable effects as never observed and reported before with vaccines;
  • Many researchers add that natural immunity is always better than that achieved with vaccines.

In short, the citizens’ association wants to alert newly (re)elected parliamentarians of the major risks observed following mass vaccination. According to BonSens, it is their “responsibility to decide on a moratorium for these vaccines”.

See also: Vaccines: a complaint for the crime of poisoning filed with the Paris Court of Justice

As a reminder, BonSens has 32,000 members. Its status as well as that of its co-founders can be consulted at the Strasbourg prefecture.

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