The crew should be allowed to come ashore

by time news

Sea Sunday is celebrated on the second Sunday of July every year

Mary Teresa: The Vatican

Cardinal Michael Cerny, the President of the Congregation for the Advancement of the United Nations, has called for immediate permission for those working on the ship to come to the beach for a break from work.

Cardinal Cerny has further requested that some governments, some shipping companies and ship crews should not use the Covid-19 pandemic as a factor to prevent them from coming to the beach and taking rest.

Cardinal Cerny said this in a news release for Sea Sunday, which will be observed on Sunday, July 10, and noted that many crew members were denied permission to come ashore even though they had been vaccinated against the plague.

Cardinal’s message says that while these workers are wearing the necessary protective measures, they have the right to set foot on the beach and meet people other than their colleagues.

Countries around the world are opening their borders, loosening restrictions, and many are moving freely, but seafarers are unable to live like that, which is a great injustice, the report said.

Some workers are allowed to come to the beach only if they have the right of a country, this discrimination is unjust, and immoral, and these workers also have an inalienable human dignity that must be respected, said Cardinal Cerny.

Cardinal Cerny also referred to the 2006 Convention on the Rights of Maritime Workers (MLC) and insisted that these workers should be treated equally without any discrimination and should be allowed to disembark for a short period of time from the ship wherever they are in the world.

Sea Sunday is celebrated on the second Sunday of July every year. More than ten million people work on cargo ships worldwide.

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