More sex drive and 4 more reasons to go out in the sun

by time news

1. Smooth Focusing
A little sunshine is first and foremost good for your performance. The sun is an important source of vitamin D and your nervous system is very good at it. Distracted after three seconds? Read new information twice and still have no idea what it was about? These problems are all associated with a vitamin D deficiency, so little focus is the perfect excuse for an afternoon in the sun. Tell that to your employer.

Also read: Exercise your libido up: these workouts make you more interested in sex

2. Like snow in the sun
You know who you won’t see often while the sun is out? Your stressful self. The warmer it gets, the less we do. Your body will take care of that. It goes into ‘slumber mode’, as it were, your body’s way of resisting those high temperatures. And the less stress, the better. So go, in that sun you.

3. Socializing king(ess)
Are you unable to get off the couch during dark months? And do all the apps with invitations from friends go unanswered? There is a good chance that you are the first to jump up to do something fun. To whom do you owe this energetic version of yourself? Le soleil. Sunlight makes you go out earlier to do something fun. Nice work, sun.

4. Sex drive
During the light months we are all just a little more in love with life. And on each other. But really. Because did you know that there is a greater chance that you will find the love of your life or a nice one in the spring or summer? fling finds? Sunlight has a positive effect on testosterone. And it ensures that we make more serotonin. And serotonin makes us want to have sex. Bring on that summer of love.

Also read: This is what happens to your brain when you have an orgasm

5. Sun, sea, sleep
And have you once made the most of the sultry summer day and evening? There is a good chance that you will sleep better afterwards than in the winter months. Ever noticed? In the summer we have a better sleep rhythm, because the sun is already shining when you get up. As a result, the melanin production decreases and you wake up wonderfully from a lighter sleep.

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