Work occupies a less and less important place in the life of the French

by time news

Work is now considered “very important” by only 25% of French people, according to a study by the Jean Jaurès Foundation.

What place should work have in life? Questioned in 1990, the French were clear: it is central. 92% of them considered that he was indeed “importantin their life, and 60% that he was “Very important“. But thirty-two years later, the observation is no longer so obvious. The French are more willing to put their professional activity in the background, according to a study carried out by the Jean Jaurès Foundation. Questioned, they are now 82% to estimate that it occupies an important place… and only 24% to estimate that it is “very important“. A collapse of 36 points.

The coronavirus crisis has reshuffled the cards, causing workers, and in particular managers, to question their working environment. This is even the aspect of their lives which, according to them, has undergone the most changes over the past two years, notes Romain Bendavid, director of corporate expertise & social climate at Ifop, in front of family and friendly relations. and how to consume.

«In the XIXe and XXe centuries, the question of work has crystallized philosophical and political debates. The different currents of thought accorded it a central place summed up in an alienation/emancipation dialectic.writes Romain Bendavid. Moreover, beyond individual conditions, work also determined inclusion in society or the hope of social ascent.“. This is less the case today. The French attach more importance to their leisure activities (93% of them consider that they are “importants» compared to 79% in 1990) and to their friends and relations (91%, compared to 86% in 1990).

At the same time, another structuring dimension in 1990 saw their role sinking in the daily life of the French. This is religion, considered important by 22% of French people against 42% thirty-two years ago. At the same time, it arouses stronger rejection: 78% of French people do not consider it “not very important» or «not important at all», against 56% in 1990. The policy, it, continues to be a subject of less importance for the majority of the people questioned: in 1990 as today, it is considered important by approximately 30% of the French.

Alignment of planets

The erosion of the place of work does not mean that the French are dissatisfied with their professional situation. Over the past decades, this index has been stable: 76% of French people considered themselves satisfied with their job in 2003, they are still 75% in 2022. But work has lost its dimension “structuringand statutory. Asked what terms come to mind when you say the word “work“, the people questioned rather evoke the “security» (27%), the «routine» (27%) possibly the « pleasure (17%). But only 13% of them mention the “pride».

In any case, employers seem paradoxically to align themselves with the new aspirations of employees. More and more of them consider that the HR issues of adapting working methods are the priority, an issue cited by 45% of those interviewed, in particular ahead of the ability to better respond to new customer needs (40%) . “As sometimes happens in history, a crisis of this magnitude ultimately proved to be more effective and faster in reaching consensus, here between the various professional actors, than negotiations.concludes the author.

SEE ALSO – “Yes, we will have to work gradually a little longer”, announces Borne

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