Advertising on TV or on billboards? The podcast changes the rules

by time news

Podcasts (pixabay photo)

Our Mercury Foundation has been looking very concerned for a long time. In its program, “Savings Plan” which it has been submitting since 2007, it reports extensively on price increases, shortage of workers in all sectors of the economy and severe housing problems that seem unsolvable.

In 2022 the news looks different, and their tone is much more frightening and frightening. After two years of global epidemic, wars and political struggles, it is very unsurprising. But that’s not the only reason she has to worry. To the industry on which it sits – the programs in which information is said in a five-minute item with infographics and commentary, and then move on to a short article with a cheerful tone about holidays in Greece, suffering from multiple attacks and escape of viewers from Instagram, Twitter and Facebook.

But of course, it is not just new programs that are frequently threatened by new enemies. Television has been under attack for at least two decades, viewers are being scattered to more and more new platforms, and the captive audience of the tribal bonfire is no longer there.

The recession, along with these digital changes are completely changing the options available to companies that want to advertise. Everyone is looking for creative ways to reach their customers. One of the most popular, old, but also more expensive ways is advertising content integrated within the programs – especially because of the transition and popularity of the streaming model, where of course there are no classic advertisements.

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Everyone is already used to the contestants in “Big Brother” and “Survival” talking at length about the taste of the carbonated beverage they drink. Both men and women on social media use products and special discounts to attract new consumers – usually while experimenting with the product.

And speaking of the absence of a captive audience, here is the significant advantage of an advertising model that has become very relevant again in recent years – billboard advertisements. While the people of Israel are waiting in traffic jams for the Minister of Transportation to find a magic solution to the problem of overcrowding, he has no choice but to stare at Bar Refaeli, Carolina Lemke announces.

Of course, this is a more extensive and expensive advertising move. Podcast advertising, for example, is often cheaper. In recent years the popularity of the very long, conversational podcasts with the free form has been growing. Those who talk for an hour and a half on one topic, with one interviewee – usually knowledgeable and in-depth acquaintance with the material.

Podcasts of this kind have proliferated in the last year, with many journalists and former journalists rushing to jump on the bandwagon. Among other things, you can see the podcasts of Nadav Perry and even Yonit Levy has a podcast, unholy, within the podcast department of Channel 12, which of course can not afford to miss the trend.

The rise of the long and continuous podcast is surprising for many people. It was difficult to predict it. Logic says that if the current period is characterized by lack of time, inattention and attention problems, people will want to listen to short and quick things with easy framing and bottom lines that can be easily quoted. But the truth is that the free form of the podcast occupies a prominent and significant place in the world of media media.

And in the midst of all this, advertisements within the podcast are already a significant part of the content. There is also usually an attempt to create a match between the identity of the presenter and the type of products advertised during the program. There are many products that are associated with certain content creators.

The spacious medium allows for a different kind of communication with the audience. It creates a specific audience for the program, which makes advertising more targeted and effective. And with the culture of programs this segmentation capability will only increase. But no company can keep quiet about the yeast right now, they are all looking for the new and good way to reach a relevant audience.

Author: Itamar Roi Producer Partner All • in The House of Podcasts

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