Insights into innovations in medical devices, the leader of the “Digital Health” era

by time news

If going back a decade ago blood draw at fingertips forcheck sugar levelin the blood, it may be normal for diabetics to do or may be familiar with the ECG machine with cordage He doesn’t seem very friendly with patients. and most importantly, having to travel to the hospital for examination But if the picture is cut in this decade began to see the invention of new technologies through medical equipment believed to be transforming the traditional medical field And will lead everyone to step into the modern era in the definition of “Digital Health”, which today will take everyone to know those state-of-the-art medical devices.

G6–Real-Time Blood Glucose Monitor, no need to draw blood as painful as before.

From what has been said in the beginning that Checking blood sugar levels by taking blood at your fingertips. It is considered very normal for people with diabetes. And it is a method that is now widely used around the world. But did you know that having to draw blood every day is not something patients are willing to do? Because every time I pierced, it always hurts. And besides the pain, one puncture can only be used to know the blood sugar level at that moment.

This is why Dexcom has continued to research and develop blood glucose meters. And most importantly, the device uses Micro Needles technology, which is attached to the body as a sensor to detect blood sugar levels from subcutaneous fluids. The highlight is No need to draw blood to hurt like before, just attach this sensor to your stomach or back of your arm. will be able to check blood sugar levels for 10 days continuously. This device can be linked with other devices such as smartphones or smartwatches to display at any time as well. It is another innovation of the era that helps people with diabetes. You don’t have to endure pain every time you drill. And can control blood sugar levels more accurately. Recently, the G6 has evolved to the point where you can set an alert if your sugar level exceeds a certain value. This will help diabetic patients. It can be used in combination with insulin injections for even more efficiency.

Dexcom’s G6 photo.

From a marketing point of view, the G6 still has quite a lot of market. Most of the user base is currently in the US. which is considered a very large market With approximately 34.2 million people living with diabetes, or 10.5% of the US population (as of 2018), many European countries have already approved the G6. But if you look around the world The International Diabetes Federation (IDF) has estimated that the number of people with diabetes will reach 783 million in 2045, a 45.8% increase from 2021, further reinforcing that the Real-Time Blood Oil Monitors market is likely to have a lot of growth.

The figure shows the trend of increasing diabetes in the United States between 1999-2016 and the global diabetes forecast to 2045.

Insights into innovations in medical devices, the leaders of the era

Source:, Dexcom Company Presentation, IDF Atlas, 10th Edition 2021

Zio-ECG Helps to more accurately notify arrhythmias

Statistics from the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention show that 11 million people suffer from arrhythmias. And many people do not have symptoms. It was also found that people with arrhythmias were five times more likely to have a stroke, which could actually be prevented. Usually can be examined by means of Electrocardiogram (ECG), which is a convenient method and takes only 10-15 minutes, but the disadvantage is may not be accurate enough And have to go to the hospital ever Or if more detailed examination may be required to use Holters for the examination, which may take 2-7 days, but statistics show that in 2 days of the experiment, more than 53% of those examined by this method Atrial fibrillation cannot be detected.

Zio from iRhythm was born to solve this problem. This is a wireless device with a length of only 12 centimeters. There are 2 types of Zio machines for low and high risk patients. no cordage just stick it on the chest It can record the electromagnetic waves of the heart for up to 14 days, so convenient that you can even put it in a shower or exercise. and more importantly, the accuracy is higher than the traditional examination methods mentioned above. Confirmed by the iRhythm trial, people using the Zio device were able to detect more than 99% of arrhythmias within 14 days of use, improving their chances of detection. and timely treatment before spreading to cerebrovascular disease which can be fatal It is another device that is believed to be able to save many lives if it is widely used.

Insights into innovations in medical devices, the leaders of the era

Image of Zio XT model for low risk and Zio AT model for high risk.

More than 4 million people have used the Zio device for ECG testing, with the main market being the United States. Statistics from the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention show that 11 million people suffer from arrhythmias. And many people have it, but don’t show symptoms. A 2013 survey found that there were approximately 33.5 million cases of atrial fibrillation (AFib) in heart rhythms worldwide. which tends to increase every year especially in Europe It is estimated that there will be 17.9 million cases by 2060.


These are just two examples of the most advanced equipment in the industry. Digital Health Only, it can be seen that each device has been researched and developed to solve the weaknesses. And continue to develop outstanding strengths in various fields in the past, in fact, there are many that have not yet been mentioned. But just this is believed to be enough to see the picture already. These devices will help more people. Increase the chances of detecting the disease early. for timely treatment or increase comfort for the patient how much As a technology leader in the Digital Health field that will transform the traditional medical field in the future world

For investment in Digital Health, it is considered as one of the sub-sectors of Healthcare stocks, which is viewed as another group of companies that generate income. and the operating results are growing well in the long term Even when the global economy is facing slowdown risks. Because these products will meet the needs of patients’ lifestyles more.

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